Advanced Shamanic Divination Training™

Developed by Michael Harner

Contemporary Sami Drum

One of the classic tasks of the shaman is to journey into nonordinary reality in order to obtain answers to questions, both at the request of others and for oneself.

Participants in the workshop have the opportunity to engage in divination journeys for each other as well as for themselves and to gain experience in using various time-tested shamanic divination techniques. In the shamanic search to become persons of knowledge, they learn, as shamans have from time immemorial, how to converse with plant and animal spirits, how to learn about the use of quartz crystals, and how to seek and receive revelatory knowledge from visionary sources.


Please meet either the in-person prerequisites or the online prerequisites.


  • Rattle and/or drum
  • Notebook and pen for note-taking
  • Blindfold, eye covering, bandana, or Mindfold®
  • Comfortable clothing and warm socks
  • Blanket and/or cushion (optional)
  • Packed lunch (optional)
  • A rough-surfaced, grapefruit-sized rock (not a crystal)
  • A small quartz crystal, at least 1 inch long
  • 8 small objects, which you can hold together in your cupped hands, which you picked up outdoors.


  • 13 FSS Continuing Education (CE) Credits are available.
  • Completion of this workshop with an authorized FSS Faculty Member qualifies participants to take more advanced FSS workshops. NOTE: You must complete all sessions of this workshop to get credit and to meet prerequisites required for more advanced workshops. Please arrange your schedule so that you can be present at all sessions of the training.
  • Successful completion of this workshop is one of the prerequisites for an FSS Gold Certificate of Completion
  • Electronic recording, including audio, video, photographic or otherwise, and the use of computers, tablets or cellphones are not permitted during the workshop.
  • Tuition Discounts are available to FSS Members. Please see our FAQ (#19). Not a member? Join us!

Workshop calendar

Advanced Shamanic Divination Training

DateLocation / TimeInstructorContact

May 3—May 4, 2025

Calgary, Alberta

Wade Prpich

13 FSS CE credits

Wade Prpich

Tel: (403) 483-7240

May 17—May 18, 2025

East Hartford, Connecticut

Alex Solomon

13 FSS CE credits

Alex Solomon

Details & Registration

May 31—Jun 1, 2025

Quebec City, Quebec

Vikki Walker

13 FSS CE credits
In French

Vikki Walker


Jun 7—Jun 8, 2025

Toronto, Ontario

Catherine Hughes

13 FSS CE credits

Catherine Hughes

Details & Registration

Our workshops are widely recognized as unparalleled in the world.

Originated, researched and developed over nearly 50 years by anthropologist Michael Harner, the pioneer of contemporary shamanism.

Our training offers students the opportunity to learn and practice authentic, powerful, and effective shamanic healing methods to high ethical standards.

For Educational Purposes

All Foundation workshops and training programs are offered for teaching purposes only and not for healing or treating any student or participant for any physical or mental condition or illness.


All Foundation workshops and training courses are copyrighted and were originated, researched, and developed by Michael Harner (except as may be otherwise noted).

Electronic recording of audio, video or images is not permitted.