Online Community Meetings

One of the ways we are responding to these challenging times is by offering community meetings you can attend online. Consider them a way to connect with others, learn about shamanism, share stories of hope and inspiration, and find ways we can personally help during the current pandemic and other global crises.

You may also be interested in exploring our online workshops, beginning with The Shamanic Journey: Pathway to Knowledge & Power™ and our in-person workshops, starting with Way of the Shaman® The Basics. Visit Workshops & Training Programs.

These experiential meetings are hosted by FSS faculty members using Zoom video conferencing. All participants can be seen and heard. There will also be opportunities to share and to interact with each other in small groups.

You will receive an email after registering with instructions on how to join the video conference, including other useful recommendations to improve your Zoom experience.

Community meetings are offered by the Foundation as a service to the shamanic community at no cost to attendees. Zoom is free to individual users.

All are welcome! No prior knowledge or training is required.

What You Will Need

A notebook and pen or pencil to take notes, a rattle, a drum (optional), and an eye covering (bandana or Mindfold) to block ambient light. Before the meeting, consider a comfortable chair or place to sit or lie down for journeys. The use of headphones or ear buds is suggested for an enhanced listening experience. Not required, but highly recommended preparation: The Shamanic Journey (online) or Way of the Shaman® The Basics (in person).

How to Register

  1. Choose a meeting from the schedule below.
  2. Individual faculty meetings: Email the person in the ‘Contact’ column to register or to get more information.
  3. For FSS community meetings, an email announcement with registration details will be sent a few weeks before the meeting.

Online Community Meetings

DateLocation / TimeInstructorContact

Mar 18—Mar 18, 2025

West Coast

4:30 - 6:30 pm PDT

Susan Mokelke

With Susan Mokelke & Faculty

Registration info/emailed 2 wks prior


May 15—May 15, 2025

West Coast

4:30 - 6:30 pm PDT

Susan Mokelke

With Susan Mokelke & Faculty

Registration info/emailed 2 wks prior


Jul 15—Jul 15, 2025

West Coast

4:30 - 6:30 pm PDT

Susan Mokelke

With Susan Mokelke & Faculty

Registration info/emailed 2 wks prior


Sep 9—Sep 9, 2025

West Coast

4 - 6 pm PDT

Susan Mokelke

With Susan Mokelke & Faculty

Registration info/emailed 2 wks prior


Nov 13—Nov 13, 2025

West Coast

4:30 - 6:30 pm PST

Susan Mokelke

With Susan Mokelke & Faculty

Registration info/emailed 2 wks prior


For Educational Purposes

All Foundation workshops and training programs are offered for teaching purposes only and not for healing or treating any student or participant for any physical or mental condition or illness.


All Foundation workshops and training courses are copyrighted and were originated, researched, and developed by Michael Harner (except as may be otherwise noted).

Electronic recording of audio, video or images is not permitted.