Way of the Shaman: The Work of Michael and Sandra Harner
The story of Michael and Sandra Harner in the history and development of core shamanism.
Core Shamanism and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Susan Mokelke describes the work of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and core shamanism.
Shamanism for Inspired Change & Transformation
FSS President Susan Mokelke discusses the work of Michael Harner and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and its relevance today. If we wish to have a better world, we need transformed, evolved humans, many of us, and fast. Shamanism can help us find our way forward.
Conversation with Michael Harner and Stan Grof
Two trailblazers in human spiritual abilities share insights and wisdom.
Transcultural Shamanic Experiences, Sandra Harner, PhD
Dr. Sandra Harner’s presentation at the 2017 International Transpersonal Conference in Prague, offering a rich and inspiring review of transcultural shamanic experiences.
Eileen Nash Interviews Susan Mokelke
Susan Mokelke, president of FSS, provides a helpful explanation of core shamanism and the contemporary practice of shamanic healing.
Shamanism and Science, Roland Urban, Mag.
Roland Urban, Director of FSS Europe, addresses the 2017 Transpersonal Conference in which he makes a case for a new perspective on science and shamanism.
Mongolian Shamanism Revival and Rebirth, Kevin Turner, MA
Kevin Turner addresses the 2017 International Transpersonal Conference on the unprecedented thousand-fold increase in shamanic practice in a single generation.
FSS Three Year Program in Advanced Shamanism Q&A with Susan Mokelke
Susan Mokelke, FSS President, describes Michael Harner’s Three Year Program of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing.
Gathering of the Circle of the Foundation, 2019
An inspiring in-person gathering of the membership of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies took place January 25 and 26, 2019 in the San Francisco area, California. The theme was “helping to create a vibrant future for our community and the planet.” Here are two videos from that gathering.
Michael Harner Honored as a Pioneer in Integrative Medicine
The Institute for Health & Healing honored Michael Harner at a dinner ceremony March 8, 2009.