Mira Chen

richmond hill, ON, Canada
I am a shamanic practitioner, family and systemic constellation facilitator, and the founder of my private practice - SoulEvolve, and the co-founder of home health care online shop AgeComfort.com. I have an immense passion for shamanic healing and systemic constellation work. Through my work, I've learned to bridge the sacred in the non-ordinary reality to my ordinary life. With the knowledge, teachings and healings given by the sacred forces, I deeply embrace my life in this body on this earth and live fully to share and serve the world with what I can as an individual.


  • Graduate of the FSS Three-Year Program in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing
  • Graduate of a FSS Two-Week Shamanic Healing Intensive
  • Completed the FSS Five-Day Harner Shamanic Counseling Workshop
  • Completed the Online Shamanic Healing Training Program

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