Kaweah Lemeshewsky

Phoenix, AZ, USA
Kaweah has over forty years' experience in traditional Native ceremonial and shamanic ways of healing. Kaweah hosts the monthly Phoenix Drum Circle and Community Healing Talking Circle, and is the caretaker and primary water-pourer for Singing Willows Lodge, a traditional Native sweat lodge open to people of all colors, genders and sexualities. Kaweah's shamanic practice offers spiritual healings and ceremonies for restoring balance and harmony in the whole person, place and community. *Soul Retrieval *Personal Power Restoration *Shamanic Divination & Extraction *Space Clearing *Spiritual Emergency *End of Life Transition *Shamanic Counseling SE HABLA ESPANOL


  • Graduate of the FSS Three-Year Program in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing
  • Graduate of a FSS Two-Week Shamanic Healing Intensive
  • Completed the FSS Five-Day Harner Shamanic Counseling Workshop

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