Gerardo Roemer

1058 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Gerardo Roemer is the FSS Director for Latin America and Spain. He has been a shamanic practitioner since 1997. Since the beginning of his practice, he has simply felt “back home.” He is a renowned spiritual healer whose work focuses on a wide variety of shamanic healings including soul retrieval, power animal retrieval, extraction healing and psychpomp work. As Senior Faculty Member, he teaches all FSS basic and advanced training programs, including the Three Year Program of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing in Argentina, Chile, México and Spain. Student feedback: “Gerardo is a great shamanic teacher. His knowledge, humor and clarity makes everything very simple. His ethics are impeccable and his experience, which he shares generously, is enormous. His love for Harner's work is evident.”


  • Harner Certified Shamanic Counselor® (CSC®)
  • Graduate of the FSS Three-Year Program in Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing
  • Graduate of a FSS Two-Week Shamanic Healing Intensive
  • Completed the FSS Five-Day Harner Shamanic Counseling Workshop
  • Completed the In-Person Shamanic Healing Training Program
  • Completed the Online Shamanic Healing Training Program

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