Online Shamanic Knowledge Series

Workshops in this series focus on powerful and effective methods to gain and apply wisdom from the spirits to resolve persistent problems facing humanity, our precious Earth, and its inhabitants.

The shamanic journey is a remarkable visionary method for entering into another reality. Using classic drumming techniques to alter consciousness, participants will be introduced to the shamanic journey to awaken one’s soul and dormant spiritual power.

The shamanic worldview underpins the ethical and effective practice of shamanism. Experiential knowledge of this worldview leads to a profound awareness of the sacred nature of our world and an awakening of compassion, resulting in a deep desire to relieve suffering and restore balance and harmony.

Shamanism has much to offer those seeking personal knowledge and emotional and spiritual maturity. This workshop offers experiential practice working with spirit helpers and in ordinary reality to transform personal attitudes, emotions, and blocks to living a fulfilled and inspired life. 

Shamanic divination, the skilled process of consulting the helping spirits for knowledge, is an essential aspect of shamanic healing and resolving personal and community issues. Participants will practice journeying, forming on-topic questions, and interpreting the messages received. They will also learn ways to nurture strong relationships with their own spirits.

Shamanic work, when combined with ordinary reality knowledge and action, can make an immense contribution toward effective long-term solutions for local and global problems. Practical methods are offered for applying wisdom from the helping spirits to resolve persistent challenges facing humanity and the community of all life.

For Educational Purposes

All Foundation workshops and training programs are offered for teaching purposes only and not for healing or treating any student or participant for any physical or mental condition or illness.


All Foundation workshops and training courses are copyrighted and were originated, researched, and developed by Michael Harner (except as may be otherwise noted).

Electronic recording of audio, video or images is not permitted.