Journeywork® Institute Invoice Payment

Pay your Journeywork® Institute invoice for FSS advanced shamanic training securely using PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to pay - simply enter your invoice number, click the PayPal button and then choose "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" when you are transferred to the PayPal website.


  1. Select a workshop.
  2. Enter your invoice number below. If you are paying the deposit due with your workshop application, please enter "Deposit" in the Invoice No. field. Then click the Submit button.
  3. Enter the amount of your invoice (Item price) after you are transferred to PayPal then click Continue.
  4. Enter your payment information - either from your PayPal account (or credit card or bank account linked to your account), or by credit or debit card if you do not have a PayPal account.

Invoice No.