We are very pleased to announce that the Foundation now has a YouTube site — the ShamanicStudies channel. This is part of our continuing efforts to enhance the Foundation’s web presence to inform the public about the importance of shamanism and shamanic healing in these challenging times. Visit the ShamanicStudies channel.

Drums of the Ancestors

Drums of the Ancestors

View the videos directly on the Foundation’s website. There are video clips of Foundation expeditions and interviews with Michael and others, such as Stan Grof. More clips will be added soon — with Ram Dass, Ralph Metzner, Jack Kornfield and more. We hope also to add statements from faculty and students and more videos about shamanism and about the work of the Foundation.

See Michael receiving the 2009 Pioneers in Integrative Medicine Award in San Francisco in March. Michael gave an acceptance talk about the value of shamanic healing to an audience of more than 400, predominantly from the medical profession. It was very well received, with a standing ovation — and it might be the only time you have ever seen him in a suit! (Very distinguished looking.)

Practitioners and students of core shamanism, send us suggestions and news about shamanism and the practice of shamanic healing for our blog. If you have a video to recommend or would like to create one for us to consider for the ShamanicStudies channel, please email Susan. We are especially interested in how core shamanism is being used for healing, what it has meant in people’s lives, how you feel that you have benefited from Foundation training, and how you think the return of shamanic knowledge is helping our communities and our world. Email Susan at gro.m1739877486sinam1739877486ahs@e1739877486kleko1739877486ms1739877486.