Shop Online for Shamanism DVDs and Video

These exclusive DVDs from FSS provide a fascinating look at shamanism in a contemporary context and through field explorations.
Come along for a visit through formerly forbidden lands, as we bring firsthand and intimate indigenous shamanic experiences to you.
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Achieving Personal Wisdom Through Shamanic Journeying
This is archival footage of a keynote address by Michael Harner presented at the First Congress of the World Council for Psychotherapy in Vienna, Austria, on July 3, 1996. Included are beginning remarks by FSS Living Treasure, Dr. Professor Mongush Kenin-Lopsan, head of a delegation of shamans from the Central Asian Republic of Tuva invited by Paul Uccusic, Director of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies in Europe. There is also a demonstration and blessing from the Tuvan shamans using their drums. 36 minutes. FSS Exclusive.
DVD $18.50

Parapsychology & Shamanism
Charles Tart and Michael Harner in Dialogue. The full-length dialogue and discussion recorded in January 2009 at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Annual Gathering of the Council in Marin County, California. 1 hour 39 minutes.
DVD $18.50

Hmong Shamans and Michael Harner in Conversation
Guest Hmong Shamans Va Meng Lee and Ye Her with Interpreter Palee Moua
Recorded in January 2010 at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Annual Gathering of the Council in Marin County, California. 58 minutes.
DVD $18.50

Tuva: Shamans and Spirits
A moving documentary of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies' 1993 expedition to help the Tuvan peoples of Central Asia revive their nearly decimated shamanic traditions. Captures emotional moments of traditional shamans and core shamanic healers working together in healing ceremonies. 55 minutes. FSS Exclusive.
DVD $18.50

Drums of the Ancestors: Manchu and Mongol Shamanism
This remarkable and unique documentary filmed in North China and Inner Mongolia during a field study sponsored by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies in 1995, offers a rare opportunity to experience the living traditions of shamanism as practiced today by the Manchu and Mongol peoples. The film includes an ancient harvest ritual, a ceremony for healing, as well as interviews with shamans. Provides rare detail of actual shamanic ritual costume and altar presentations. 37 minutes. FSS Exclusive.
DVD $18.50

Healing Rituals of the Tuvan Shamans
Filmed in California during a workshop sponsored by the Foundation, this video shows a divination, several healing rituals, and an explanation of Tuvan healing techniques. 45 minutes. FSS Exclusive.
DVD $18.50