Shop Online for Shamanism and Shamanic Healing CDs

To use the Shaman's journey successfully, it is important to prepare thoroughly. Here you will find classics by Michael Harner that present bridges between indigenous and core shamanic practice, as well as visionary stories of spiritual awakenings. If you are seeking practical step-by-step instruction for starting on the shamanic path, you will find some of your most valuable written resources here.
These books, especially when used with our Journeywork audio, provide a time-tested avenue for initiating your own individual practice of basic shamanic methods.
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Alchemy & Shamanism
Selections from a dialogue and discussion with Ralph Metzner and Michael Harner. Recorded in January 2006 at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Annual Gathering of the Council in Marin County, California. 54:26 minutes.
Compact Disc $13.50

Parapsychology & Shamanism
Selections from a dialogue and discussion with Charles Tart and Michael Harner. Recorded in January 2009 at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Annual Gathering of the Council in Marin County, California. 66.36 minutes.
Compact Disc $13.50

Holotropic Breathwork and Shamanism
Selections from a dialogue and discussion between Stanislav Grof and Michael Harner. Recorded January 2005 at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies annual Gathering of the Council, Marin County, California. 1 hour 19 minutes.
Compact Disc $13.50

Buddhism & Shamanism
Selections from a dialogue and discussion with Jack Kornield and Michael Harner. Recorded January 2004 at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies annual Gathering of the Council, Marin County, California. 1 hour 16 minutes.
Compact Disc $13.50

Ram Dass and Michael Harner
Selections from a dialogue and discussion. Recorded January 2003 at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies annual Gathering of the Council, Marin County, California. 43:56 minutes.
Compact Disc $13.50

Echoes of Shamanism in Europe
Angeles Arrien & Michael Harner in Dialogue. Recorded in January 2008 at the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Annual Gathering of the Council in Marin County, California. 1 hour 5 minutes.
Compact Disc $13.50

Shamans, Monks & Reality
A Dialogue between Brother David Steindl-Rast and Michael Harner. In this rare recording Brother David Steindl-Rast and Michael Harner discuss the similarities and differences between shamans and monks and their perspectives on reality. Recorded at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California on January 28, 1993. 58 minutes.
Compact Disc $13.50

Shamanism and Immune Response
Shamanism and Immune Response was presented by Sandra Harner on June 26, 2002, in San Francisco, under the sponsorship of the Institute of Noetic Sciences as part of their Frontiers of Consciousness Lecture Series. In this edited recording she shares some results of her experimental research on the relationship between shamanic journeying and changes in the immune system, anger, anxiety, depression, and well-being, and potential clinical uses of shamanic drumming and journeying.
Compact Disc $13.50

Tuvan Shamanic Healing
Tuvan Shaman Ai-Churek Oiun learned the ancient art of throat singing directly through her relationship with the drum and the spirits. The drumming style used by Ai-Churek is not typical of Tuvan shamanism and is distinctive to her. This healing ritual was recorded in California during a workshop sponsored by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. A circle of healing, rich in vibratory overtones, is woven by this one female voice, her drum and her dream.
Compact Disc $15.50
MP3 $9.89