Shop Online for Shamanism Books

To use the Shaman's journey successfully, it is important to prepare thoroughly. Here you will find classics by Michael Harner that present bridges between indigenous and core shamanic practice, as well as visionary stories of spiritual awakenings. If you are seeking practical step-by-step instruction for starting on the shamanic path, you will find some of your most valuable written resources here.
These books, especially when used with our CD's, provide a time-tested avenue for initiating your own individual practice of basic shamanic methods.
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The Way of the Shaman
By Michael Harner
This classic on shamanism pioneered the modern shamanic renaissance. It is the foremost resource and reference on understanding shamanism. Now, with a new introduction and a guide to current resources, anthropologist and shamanic practitioner Michael Harner provides the first handbook on practical shamanism—what it is, where it came from, how you can participate.
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Paperback $16.50
Cave and Cosmos: Shamanic Encounters with Another Reality
By Michael Harner
In 1980, Michael Harner blazed the trail for the worldwide revival of shamanism with his seminal classic The Way of the Shaman. In this long-awaited sequel, he provides new evidence of the reality of heavens. Written by the leading authority on shamanism, Cave and Cosmos is a must-read not only for those interested in shamanism, but also for those interested in spirituality, comparative religion, near-death experiences, healing, consciousness, anthropology, and the nature of reality.
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Paperback $19.95
At Michael Harner's request, all royalties from Cave and Cosmos will go to the Foundation for Shamanic Studies in support of its work.
Ema's Odyssey: Shamanism for Healing and Spiritual Knowledge
By Sandra Harner
This is a unique and inspiring story—a woman's shamanic adventures in other worlds over ten years, narrated and recorded as they happened. By narrating her experiences while in those realms, the anonymous Ema offers the reader the opportunity to be with her step by step as her magical odyssey unfolds under the listening ear of Sandra Harner, her experienced shamanic counselor." From the Foreword by Michael Harner.
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Paperback $34.95

Schmanismus und Wissenschaft (Shamanism and Science)
Roland Urban and Andreas J. Hirsch, Editors
For a long time, shamanism and modern science stood in a difficult and conflictual relationship to each other. Now, the realization is spreading that those two paths of human knowledge can complement each other in a meaningful and useful way. The contributions in this publication from disciplines such as anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, mathematics and futurology as well as the practice of a medical-shamanic outpatient clinic and of artistic work illustrate the inspiringly broad range of world interpretations and the encouraging potential for constructive solutions flowing from a collaboration of shamanism and science. In German and English.
Paperback $19.95

Sky Shamans of Mongolia: Meetings with Remarkable Healers
By Kevin Turner
Part travelogue, part experiential spiritual memoir, Kevin Turner takes us to visit with authentic shamans in the steppes and urban centers of modern-day Mongolia. Along the way, the author, a practicing shaman himself, tells of spontaneous medical diagnoses, all-night shamanic ceremonies, and miraculous healings, all welling from a rich culture in which divination, soul-retrieval, and spirit depossession are a part of everyday life.
Paperback $24.95

Weather Shamanism: Harmonizing Our Connection with the Elements
By Nan Moss with David Corbin
Creating an alliance and working partnership with the spirits of weather to restore well-being and harmony to Earth and ourselves. Weather Shamanism is about transformation — of ourselves, and thus our world. It is about how we can develop an expanded worldview that honors spiritual realities in order to create a working partnership with the spirits of weather and thereby help to restore well-being and harmony to Earth.
Paperback $18.00
Hallucinogens and Shamanism
Edited By Michael Harner
In this unusual collection, ten original studies explore the use of hallucinogens in shamanism: the ancient and widespread practice of invoking an altered state to perceive and work with supernatural powers.
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Paperback $44.95
The Jívaro: People of the Sacred Waterfalls
By Michael Harner
A classic ethnographic account of the freedom-loving and reputedly most warlike indigenous people of the Amazon, written for the scholar and layperson alike.
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Paperback $29.95