Shop Online for Shamanism Journeywork Audio

Michael Harner's Journeywork® Recordings: Shamanic Journey CDs, Shamanic Drumming CDs and Shamanic Drumming MP3s — improved and digitally remastered. Each one of these MP3s/CDs has been specifically designed for serious shamanic journey work — shamanic drumming, rattle, singing for long journeys, musical bow, and didjeridu — as explained by Michael Harner in his classic work The Way of the Shaman. Powerful and effective recordings for shamanic healing, power animal retrieval, soul retrieval, and shamanic journeys — wherever live shamanic drumming might be used. (Not for recreational use or for listening to while driving.)
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1) Michael Harner's Shamanic Journey Solo and Double Drumming™

Solo Drumming Sound Sample
Double Drumming Sound Sample
The solo drumming is in the classic mode by Michael Harner using a single-headed, round-frame, hand drum. The double drumming, which some journeyers prefer, is also by Michael Harner, assisted by David Corbin. Both are using single-headed, round-frame drums.
The drums are beaten facing each other at a slight angle, about four feet apart, to produce the maximum effect without excessive reverberation. The compact disc offers the opportunity to program 15 and 30 minute solo or double drumming play with callback. State-of-the-art recording, digitally remastered June 2010.
CD, All Tracks $15.50
MP3, All Tracks $10.98
15 min, single track MP3 $1.49
30 min, single track MP3 $1.49
15 min, single track MP3 $1.49
30 min, single track MP3 $1.49
2) Michael Harner's Shamanic Journey Didjeridu™

Didjeridu Sound Sample
The incredible sound of the aboriginal Australian didjeridu (an ancient hollow tube drone), accompanied by click sticks, carries one into an extended Dreamtime journey. The didjeridu is played masterfully by Stephen McDonnell. The compact disc, as in the case of the others in the series, is for serious work, not for recreation.
CD, All Tracks $15.50
MP3, All Tracks $10.98
3) Michael Harner's Shamanic Journey Singing Chorus™

Singing Chorus Sound Sample
This CD is inspired by an ancient northern European method for long journeying, the singing journey methods of the last of the traditional European shamans among the Sami (Laplanders) of northern Scandinavia. Drumming is followed by a women's chorus to provide gentle support for the shamanic journeyer.
CD, All Tracks $15.50
MP3, All Tracks $10.98
4) Michael Harner's Shamanic Journey Musical Bow™

Musical Bow Sound Sample
Bow & Rattle Sound Sample
The musical bow is the percussive sound of a single plucked string stretched tautly between the ends of a bowed stick, an instrument once utilized by many tribal shamans in different parts of the world. Here the Brazilian berimbau is played by Susan Mokelke, alone and with a rattle, providing a unique, effective sound for journeying.
CD, All Tracks $15.50
MP3, All Tracks $10.98
5) Michael Harner's Shamanic Double Drumming™

Double Drumming Sound Sample
The use of two drums, played facing each other, creates more reverberations and overtones than are usually produced by one drum alone. The slower measured beat of this recording is useful for many shamanic practices, such as calling in the spirits, and may also be used for journeying.
CD, All Tracks $15.50
MP3, All Tracks $10.98
6) Michael Harner's Shamanic Journey Rattle™

Rattle Sound Sample
The rattle, in various forms, is used by shamans in many parts of the world. Here, Michael Harner shakes a single rawhide rattle to provide a higher frequency sound than the drum, which requires less volume to be effective for journeying.
CD, All Tracks $15.50
MP3, All Tracks $10.98
7) Michael Harner's Shamanic Journey Multiple Drumming™

Multiple Drumming Sound Sample
Unified, driving, shamanic journey drumming by the four Bridgewalker Drummers using cottonwood double-headed round-frame drums. The disciplined drumming in unison produces a full range of the auditory spectrum. The compact disc offers the opportunity to program 15 and 30 minute multiple drumming sessions with callback.
CD, All Tracks $15.50
MP3, All Tracks $10.98