Dear Friends of the Foundation,
This is to advise you that our close friend and colleague Paul Uccusic passed on in Vienna August 2nd, with his wife Roswitha at his side and surrounded by his family.
The Foundation for Shamanic Studies Europe has posted the statement and obituary below on its website, as we are doing.
Under Paul and Roswitha’s leadership, as Paul wished, Roland Urban and Michael Hasslinger are prepared to continue the work of FSS Europe. For the present, Roland will be the contact person for FSS Europe matters. FSS Europe website:
The world has lost a truly wonderful person. Our deepest sympathies to Paul’s family.
Michael and Sandra Harner
Susan Mokelke

The Foundation for Shamanic Studies Europe is mourning its director Paul Uccusic. Paul passed away on Friday, August 2nd, 2013 in Vienna. He was in his 77th year. Two days before, he had collapsed in his home following a heart attack and suffered irreversible head injury. Paul Uccusic was born in 1937 in Vienna. After studies of chemistry, physics and mathematics at the University of Vienna, he became a journalist and served in leading positions in different daily newspapers in Vienna. In 1971, he got in touch with parapsychology and spiritual healing. He is the author of several books about healing. In 1981, he met Michael Harner, the Founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, in Alpbach in Tyrol. The Core Shamanism formulated by Michael Harner became Paul’s central field of interest. He made study visits to the US, Latin America and Siberia. In 1985, Paul started to teach for the Foundation in German-speaking countries. In 1991, he published his book The Shaman In Us (in German). Until his death Paul Uccusic served as Director of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Europe. Building up the Foundation in Europe and spreading Core Shamanism in Europe and beyond were his life’s work.