We are pleased to announce the new 2017 FSS Faculty Intern Program — now accepting applications.
The Faculty Intern Program prepares potential FSS faculty members to teach the FSS weekend (two-day) workshops in core shamanism throughout North America. FSS faculty members are experienced, highly qualified, core shamanic practitioners, who have been fully trained and initiated in shamanism and core shamanic healing methods.
The Foundation for Shamanic Studies teaching of shamanic knowledge is based in the pioneering work of Michael Harner, author of The Way of the Shaman. The FSS offers time-tested authentic shamanic methods, with an emphasis on ethical practice, arising from more than 50 years of anthropological research, teaching experience, experimentation, and development. FSS programs are widely recognized as the gold standard of contemporary shamanic training.
Please visit the FSS Faculty Intern Program page for general requirements and to request an APPLICATION packet.
Applications accepted through June 2, 2017.