Photo by Yaukuma Waurá
The Foundation for Shamanic Studies is honored and pleased to announce the appointment of Kapi Waurá as a Living Treasure of Shamanism. Kapi is a female shaman, a traditionally male role, of the Wauja people from the Amazon of Central Brazil. She is of the
Yakapá type of shaman, which allows her to recite healing charms and see spirits and other beings while in a tobacco trance. She became a shaman when, after suffering a lingering illness, she spontaneously had a vision and saw spirit beings associated with certain animals in the forest. One was the animal spirit that had caused her illness and the other was an animal helper that taught her to see.
MORE about Kapi
Our Living Treasures designation provides an annual lifetime stipend to exceptionally distinguished indigenous shamans in less-developed countries where their age-old knowledge of shamanism and shamanic healing is in danger of extinction. Special care is given to providing the economic assistance necessary to allow these Living Treasures to pass on their knowledge to their people.
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In gratitude,
Susan Mokelke