Shamanism Annual
Journal of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Susan Mokelke, J.D., Editor
The Shamanism Annual is free to members of the Circle of the Foundation. By joining the Circle, you will receive the journal and can stay up-to-date with recent articles on shamanism, along with other exclusive benefits.
The Shamanism Annual also provides a voluntary membership directory and a list of drumming circles to help develop a worldwide community for healing and mutual help.
We welcome your articles for consideration for publication.

Submission Guidelines and Editorial Policy
Our editorial policy favors original articles on journey work and healing work following core shamanic training, as well as original accounts of indigenous shamanic practice. We occasionally publish articles of significance and excerpts of books that have been, or will be, published elsewhere, with permission from the copyright holder. We do not at this time accept or publish reviews of any kind. All articles are copyrighted by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.
This international journal is entirely supported by memberships and contributions; advertisements are not accepted. Contact us to ask about obtaining specific articles or issues.
Manuscripts should be submitted for consideration as electronic computer files as an e-mail file attachment. Hard copy manuscripts cannot be accepted, except under exceptional circumstances. Margins should be one inch, or the metric equivalent. Computer file submissions must either be in MS Word (.doc or .rtf) or WordPerfect (.wpd) without special type fonts or formatting. Email materials or mail to:
Susan Mokelke, Editor, Shamanism Annual
Foundation for Shamanic Studies
P.O. Box 1939
Mill Valley, CA 94942
Reference style is as illustrated in Vol. 5, No. 1 for summer 1992, and later issues of Shamanism and the Shamanism Annual. References must be in this style. Download a sample of preferred reference style.
Generally, the maximum article length is 10,000 words. In cases of longer manuscripts, please contact the editor via email before submitting.
Illustrations should be captioned and numbered sequentially on the back of each illustration. If the orientation of the figure is not obvious, this should be indicated on the back. All photos and artwork must be properly credited to the photographer or artist who took/made them and dated. Please send high quality copies of photos, not originals. Electronic submission of illustrations is preferred as TIFF or jpg files, either burned on a CD disk or as email attachments. They must be at a resolution of 300 dpi. These files will need to be compressed in order to be emailed due to the large size of TIFF files at high resolution. All relevant documentation must accompany each illustration submitted.
The deadline for submission is September 1. Space is limited. Selection of articles to be included is by the editor and editorial committee. We reserve the right to make editorial changes.
Shamanism Annual – Shamanism (ISSN 1063-2824) is published by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Inc., PO Box 1939, Mill Valley, California 94942, USA.