In Memoriam: Michael J. Harner, 1929 – 2018

December 2018
Remembering Michael
Continuing Michael Harner's work in the Foundation
A Statement from FSS President Susan Mokelke
& The Life and Work of Michael Harner by Andreas J. Hirsch, Ph.D.
© Shamanism Annual, December 2018, Issue 31
April 23, 2018
Remembering Michael Harner: A memorial celebration of the life and work of Michael Harner, 1929 - 2018, recorded live on April 14, 2018 in northern California.
February 3, 2018
It is with great sadness that we inform you that Michael Harner, Founder of the FSS and originator of Core Shamanism, transitioned early in the morning of February 3.
He was supported in the days prior to his passage by his loving wife Sandra Harner and his devoted family. He passed peacefully out of this world and on to the next.
Michael's legacy lives on in this world through all of you -- his tens of thousands of students and practitioners of shamanism. His work will continue into the future through the educational efforts of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.
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In memoriam, "The Way of a Shaman" — from the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Europe.
Yours in spirit,
Susan Mokelke
La muerte de un Chamán no es algo triste.
Lo es para la mayoría de nosotros, ciertamente.
Pero el Chamán sabe a donde va. Él regresa al Mundo de los espíritus.
Gracias Michael por todo lo que nos enseñaste y compartiste con nosotros.
The death of a Shaman is not a sad thing.
It is for most of us, certainly.
But the Shaman knows where he is going. He returns to the World of spirits.
Thank you Michael for everything you taught us and shared with us.
A Great Loss to those left behind. May he be Welcomed with Joy at the Hearths of his Ancestors in the Great Beyond
There is a big shaman’s party at the top of the World Tree!
I had the great fortune to be trained by Michael in and the shamanic magic he brought to the west changed my life.
For almost 30 years now, I have practiced and shared the teachings and will continue to carry the torch. Michael was a blessing to us here on earth and a sure blessing to the family in the Upper World!
Loss and Beauty, suffering and love, this world
Gratitude for the vision and enthusiasm of Michael Harner,
a path of healing and joy through his generous spirit
Sending love and peace to his wife and many close colleagues and friends.
It is so sad to lose such a great man. What a blessing he has been to shamanism. Had it not been for him, I never would have learned and experienced it myself. Thank you, Michael , for your vision. May you Rest In peace. K
We at the Paz Geia Institute of Shamanic Research – SP-Brazil, want at this time to offer our gratitude and honor to Michel Harner, who dedicated his life to awakening human beings to a divine connection with conscience and love
May Mother Earth receive him and Heavenly Father open the doors of his new home.
May your family and friends obtain the necessary comfort in this sacred hour.
peace, love and gratitude our great teacher and inspirer
Thanks Harner for helping me become the best version of myself.
My drum will always sing for your memory! Good journey coming back home.
Coming out of the Harvard studies of the early 1960s using psychedelic drugs to expand consciousness, it was a breath-taking revelation for me to encounter, through Michael Harner, the age-old shamanic practices using sacred plants and fungi, as well as the drumming method for intentionally traveling to other realms for the purposes of healing and acquiring knowledge of other realities. Discerning the essential core of the shaman’s way, stripped of the particular cultural symbols – what a gift you have given to contemporary seekers.
Deep gratitude to you Michael, and may Blessed Spirits bring you multiple treasures of insights as you continue your explorations in the worlds beyond.
My deepest condolences to Michael’s family and FSS colleagues. A lasting impression I’ve carried is how superbly talented Michael was in demystifying Mystery while simultaneously enlarging it. I’m pretty sure this makes him not only a master shaman but a truly wise and compassionate man. The finesse and sensitivity with which he handled and transmitted shamanic knowledge to his students and the world was incomparable, in my experience. I admired his humor, part and parcel of his healing nature. So bless you, bless you Michael; I’m so appreciative of you and your work. You truly made a difference in the lives of many during your “marriage with this Cruel Beauty of time and space…”
Thank you for your integrity, compassion, devotion, dedication and bravery! Your work made the world a better place! You will always be in my heart!
Much gratitude here to the spirit-in-form we all knew as Michael Harner. Following his call and teachings changed my life and empowered and facilitated my own now world-wide work with tens of thousands of animals and people. Blessings to you, Michael, wherever you feel to go and be now.
Michaels work in Shamanic studies was fundamental to brining the world an understanding that would lead us to this transitional time. He along with Sandra opened a beautiful lotus flower for us to all sip the nectar and integrate the wisdom of the ancient ones. I bow with Gratitude and deeply felt Blessings to Michael and send many Blessings and heartfelt awareness to his partner Sandra. Melissa
25 years ago, I had my first shamanic experience with my mentor, Thea Robertshaw, who was a student of Michael’s. Worlds unknown were introduced to me and I was able to connect with my ancestors, who were waiting for me to accept my authentic identity and life calling as a teacher and healer. Since then I have taken many of the Foundation courses and met many beautiful teachers and souls with a common purpose. I was blessed to meet Michael many years later at the newly introduced Shamanic Dreamwork weekend retreat. We had an opportunity to sit and talk, and he spoke kind words of wisdom that ring true to this day. I can still hear his voice and see his wry smile. Blessings to you, Michael, on your next journey! I most certainly would not be the person I am today had you not walked on this planet. I’m sure the Spirits are happy to have you in their company. Say hello to Angeles~
Michael Harner open it all up for me through his Way of the Shaman and through the Sacred Trust, the UK branch of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. I’m a Californian living in Ireland for last 26 years, and studied in England. Thank you Michael for the access point and opening the pod.
The Irish Centre for Shamanic Studies came into being 20 years ago as a direct result of Michaels book “The Way of the Shaman” literally falling off the shelf at my feet in 1990, it set me on a Shamanic Journey that took me all over the world studying with indigenous shamans as well as studying either Core Shamanic teachers trained by Michael himself, I’m forever grateful to you Michael for paving the way for my discovering my own ancient Celtic, Druid, Shamanic heritage. Good luck on your journey home .
It was Michael’s witty humor mixed with vast knowledge that I will remember him by and appreciate him for. It was an honor and pleasure to have been able to take the Basic Workshop, among others, from him 18 years ago. I will always remember his teaching to take the work seriously, but not necessarily ourselves.
Thank you, Michael, for the gift you have given to generations of shamans. May you enjoy your next grand journey.
What a tremendous being Michael was: full of joy and humor and deepest clarity about the truths of the spirit and the worlds of the shaman! To live in generativity-sharing knowledge with the world from your own passions and love-is a rare gift. I was honored to have been his student in the Basic and Three year programs and the work I do here in Iowa, of all places, has been honored and respected and changed the lives, launched the life paths for many people, all a result of what Michael passed on in his work! God, gods love him and all celestial beings and power animals! HO!
I remember attending a course at Omega Institute in New York in the 90’s! It was my first introduction to shamanism . I feel honoured to have had his wisdom then. It changed my life! You will be sorely missed. Now you are with all the spirits . Ho!
Deepest sincere sympathy for his wife Sandra and family. Sending healing light……
Thank you Michael Harner for teaching us the way of the shaman. I have been blessed and have become a blessing because of it. May you journey farther and higher than you ever thought possible. Peace and comfort to all who love you.
Farewell for now, dear Michael. The knowledge you shared enriched my life. Thank you and Godspeed.
Michael, was an incredible man, who I met in the early 70’s,when I was just starting my spiritual journey on world shamanism, I am now 70, and still have fond memories of that meeting, as he was so full of Spirit and was on a mission to enlighten the world on Shamanism. I was honored to have met in briefly, may his work live on through the Foundation. Blessing
What a privilege it was to know and learn from him! I loved his sense of humor together with his wisdom. Beautiful human being!
It is with a mixture of sadness and elation that I receive this news. My deepest condolences to his family, close friends and all who loved him deeply. I am elated because he now knows and see what the rest of us only experience as we journey. Michael’s work has had a profound impact on my life, my healing practice…my very being. I am forever changed because of it, with a grateful, grateful heart. Journey on, dear soul. This planet is a better place to dwell because of you, your beautiful Spirit and your work.
I met Michael when I was 24, 36 years ago, at the Esalen Institute. I spent only three days with him as well as many others at a workshop on, I believe, an introduction to Shamanism. His kindness and instruction have informed my life and I recall his face as he patiently listened to my very young self describe what Rock had to say to me. He remains in my heart.
I encountered Michael’s THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN shortly after it was published, over 35 years ago. At the time I was not ready to enter the world he opened to me, even though (or because) my life had recently been saved by my contact with shamanism.
I returned to the shamanic path a little over a year ago, to discover that Michael and Sandra were still keeping the faith, and that a whole series of certified trainings had grown up as a result of the work of the Many who comprise the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. I took the basic workshop just last month.
It was only at the announcement of Michael’s death that I realized how profoundly grateful I was that our lives had overlapped in this way. As I go forward with my life’s journey, I expect to repeatedly honor Michael and the work of FSS in my community, Quakers.
Thank you for all you have done for humanity and the Earth, keeping the important lineages of shamanism alive and making it available to more people.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I will always remember your humorous, loving presence in my week-long workshop. Your transition is a tremendous loss for the world, mitigated by all you have left behind – FSS and all the teachers and students. May this become an enduring legacy that will last for centuries.
Michael Harner opened a door for so many, and gave validity in today’s times, to the study of Shamanism. I send condolences to his family. May their grief be bearable.
Godspeed, Michael. Job well done.
He had such great humor, laughing out loud about his own mistakes wth the indigenous peoples. I was part of the first 3 year program in Europe 2005 and it was a pleasure to listen to him. He showed us the the bonded shaman. Pure humility. I took part in nearly every seminar of the fss Europe with Paul Uccusic and work now round about 15 years in my own practice in the tradition of the fss. So I’m not exaggerating when I say, he and his work changed my life. Thank you.
To Michael Harner… words, I feel, could never do justice to how I feel about a life that I now consider more beautiful than I had ever thought possible; brought into being as a direct result of your love of humanity and your selfless gift in bringing shamanism to the West. Thank you seems such a simple phrase, but thank you I do, from the bottom of my heart. xx
Words fail me to express what Michael and his work have meant to my life. Both have transformed my life. I’m sad, and very, very grateful!
I am truly grateful for Michael’s work, the Foundation and his teachings. They have forever touched my life, and I will continue on for the rest of my life. In honor and gratitude, may the work that you bestowed to us continue to grow, and may the countless blessings this brings to all come back to you and your family Michael, ten thousand fold.
I had the pleasure of being in a two-week seminar with Micheal at Esalon Institute in 1987. His work opened the cosmos of consciousness to me and changed the entire trajectory of my life. As a teacher, he is without parallel in my world. And he was true to his message, correcting us students when we edging into diluting the ancient teachings and methods. Being with him was a cosmos-opening experience. Thank you, Michael, thank you.
What an inspiration! His works were not only inspirational to me but helped me understand so much about myself. It was like backing up and studying to intellectually understand what seemed difficult to understand. He will be missed by many but remembered for how he changed others lives by even more.
A teacher who’s work is barely understood by so many of us who adored him and were his grateful students. I trust that his legacy will continue to unfold through the FSS and the lives of all of us who he touched so deeply. His work has saved my life…several times at least. Much love to Sandra, Susan and all who were touched by his passing.
I feel so blessed to have gone through the shaman training developed by Michael Harner based on his decades of observing and participating with indigenous peoples around the world. This information and practice has helped me have a better understanding of the spirit world within our daily existence. This also has helped me as a medical provider assist people who are ill but may not have any abnormal lab, scans, or physical exam.
Blessings on his family,on those who worked with him for so many years, the shamans who invited him into their world to share their information, and those of us who continue his legacy in and to the world. Namaste.
The drumming will never stop. Michael’s shamanic teachings opened up for me a profoundly spiritual life. He led me to an awareness of my own healing powers. Thank you for the journeying. I am forever grateful that I had the pleasure of being in our workshops.
I’ve often thought that only Michael, with his impeccable refusal to play guru to his beginning students, could have ushered me through this door that has changed and enriched my life immeasurably. I will never forget the humor in his eyes as he answered students repeatedly (and respectfully) with the comment “What a wonderful question! Go journey on it!”
Thank you, Michael, for opening my heart and mind to the psychoactive component of drumming. It changed my life 20 years ago and I continue with my daily drumming as part of my nourishment and my blessing to others.
Rest in Peace.
What a brilliant being!
While a sad loss, I trust that Michael’s spirit gleefully soars with ease.
I feel blessed and honored to have been taught by Michael in a few workshops, and to have been a student of a few of his spiritual descendants, if you will, in the three year and other workshops.
He leaves an invaluable legacy.
I loved Michael’s quick wit and deep wisdom, and appreciate the accompanying complexities involved in being a great teacher to so many.
He will be missed.
Love and Light to Sandra Harner, FSS, and all of Michael’s loved ones.
I was lucky to spend two days in 1997 on workshop in Vancouver Canada with Michael. Michael was humorous, jovial and loving. I remember him laughing! 🙂
Michael and I received the news of Michael’s passing with a mixture of emotions, ranging from deep sadness, to peaceful stillness. I will be forever grateful for the privilege of having served as a member of the Foundation’s board, as well as the friendship that we shared with Michael and Sandra over the years. Michael’s teachings have had an enormous impact on both of our lives and we take great comfort in knowing that the legacy that he and Sandra have created will continue to benefit this planet and all who are drawn to this path.
Happy trails, Michael
Reviving the practice of shamanism in today’s world was truly a massive Soul Retrieval for the human community. I can’t even imagine how I would have navigated the world and my life without learning to seek out and cultivate relationships with the compassionate ones. Endless gratitude, honor and respect to Michael. Great blessings to Sandra, all the family and staff of the Foundation. He must feel deep comfort knowing that he leaves the work of his life in such capable hearts and hands. His laughter forever graces my heart.
Thank you, Michael Harner.
With deepest gratitude, thank you.
Our first weekend in Rhinebeck at Omega a few decades ago with Michael and a few hundred others a gateway for me that opened to what I had been doing since a young boy in an informal way. Everything was alive and could talk to me. It was a time for what I have come to call Magic In The Making as that weekend provided a focus, a ritual for coming Home to the privilege of practicing Shamanism. His book showed me the Way and helped me to make sense of who I am given my family was unaware. Doing does it, to borrow that expression. And Michael gets right to it without any pretense. One stands at the precipice and jumps with Michael into the Void. The Miracle, for me, is the revelation and outcome. He made the Miraculous a ritual practice. Anne Marie Perez describes my experience with Michael insightfully. He inspired me to discover a kind of GPS for the Soul, Medicine, Magic and Miracles that promote transformation, accomplishment and are reproducible. I don’t think I will miss him in the traditional way as Michael is with me whenever I work, the Good Father who showed me the Way Of The Shaman. As in the Spiritual Law of Gratitude: What one is grateful for increases. I ask that Grace be extended to Michael.
Dr Michael Harner was a professor of mine when I was obtaining my doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the New School. He was the Head of the Anthropology department and I snuck over to take some courses with him. He was a fun loving compassionate person who introduced me to realms of experience that I was unaware of and fascinated by. I have been influenced by him in the psychotherapy I provide as well as my studies and immersion in Shamanic Judaism. He had a great sense of humor and openness and I was sad to hear of his transition.Rest in peace.
I am so grateful to have met him and appreciative of his foundation that taught me how to live again and in a greater way. I am honor.
I have not personally met Michael, but his influence has made it my way. Since 2001 we have hosted many many Harner workshops at SpiritMatters. I can attest to the excitement and the joy that so many of the participants , and I myself, have felt and expressed after learning and practicing the age- old healing practices that he, throughout his lifetime, has tirelessly and generously offered to a world in need of meaning and wholeness. Another of his legacies that I loved from the moment I heard about it, is the library of shamanic journeys. What a gift! Bless you and your work Michael.
Thank you for all that you’ve done. You’re an inspiration. We are Spirit.
I’m very happy He lived a long and beautiful life
I’m sad he passed away but I’m sure he did the best way and that now his spirit is living another great life
I’m very grateful to Michael Harner for what he gave us and I always esteemed him.
I wish a great future to Core Shamanism and to the Foundation
With Love
Luca from Italy
Great respect and gratitude to a great spirit and teacher! Thank you so much for what you did on this dimension!
Thank you so much Dear Michael to have been my teacher. I started my shamanic journey with you during a two week workshop you led with Sandra Ingerman about 26 years ago at Esalen. It was such a discovery. I so much enjoyed your deep sense of humour,your humility, your presence. You were such a great teacher and had a tremendous impact on my life.Then I became a shamanic practitioner. You were such an inspirational figure for me.
Very Dear Michael, I’m pretty sure you walk in beauty in a sacred way, walking areas that you already knew before passing to the other side.
With love and respect.
Michael Harner changed my life. I was so lucky to study with him and talk with him. His books have meant so much to me, I have read them many times. His spirit, his research and his work will continue to illuminate the mysteries of life.
Michael led a Shamanic journey during a weekend conference in Virginia Beach in 1992. I was privileged to be in his presence on that day and to journey under his guidance. I met a Native American Elder on my journey; this elder walks with me to this day. Michael’s generosity with his time for conversation after the journey, like the elder, has never left me.
I celebrate Michael’s life and his gift to the human family.
My first introduction to shamanism came from Michael Harner’s book “The Way of the Shaman” and his continued efforts at educating those interested in shamanism have been such a blessing to so many people. My thoughts, prayers, and condolences are with his family. He will very much be missed.
Michael’s message: ‘We are not alone’ continues to bring daily comfort to my life and lives of those I touch. Eternal gratitude to his courageous work.
My condolences to his family and friends. With every great person there is a great void. May you find comfort in the outpouring of gratitude and love for Michael Harner.
Michael Harner crossed a wide bridge for all of us when he studied with ancient tribes to retrieve long lost wisdoms…then brought them back as valued gifts to modern humankind in his writings. I feel so blessed to have attended one of the last classes he taught. His spirit is as large as he taught us the spirit world is. Such a wonderful, kind and generous soul. He shared with us the whistling song he was taught by the spirits to beckon them. I am sure they heard it just before he was invited to join them. Thank you, and blessings, Michael Harner.
Michael was the Bringer of Light that enabled me to awaken to the essence of Shamanism, taking me through the initial stages of, ‘You’ve GOT to be kidding!’, then step-by-step through various workshops, including Esalen and a powerful three-year West Coast Intensive. With Michael’s having given me support as I wrote my dissertation on Shamanism, I wound up going to Vienna, as did Michael and representatives of the Foundation, speaking of Shamanic work whilst meeting with Shamans from Tuva (at the First World Council of Psychotherapy). During that process Saryglar, one of the Tuvan Shamans, invited me to study in Tuva with him. The Universe then conspired in its incredible way such that I wound up working at the Dungur and the Centre for Traditional Folk Medicine in Kyzyl for five months. During that time it was easy to observe that Michael was acknowledged to be and respected as a Shaman by the extraordinary Shamans in Tuva. May you now be lovingly supported and be free, Michael, to go home….. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done to awaken so many of us to Shamanism.
First and foremost condolences to Michael’s family and friends. I never knew Michael Harner but as many others I did get a lot of inspiration from his books and his work. He inspired me on my path and continues to do so. His spirit and work lives on. Thank you Michael for all that you have given to shamanism and to countless people all over the world!
Gratitude to you Michael. We never met. But you once appeared in my dreams. Thank you for opening the way.
Twenty five years ago, I entered Michael’s Basic Workshop with great skepticism. Within an hour, my live was forever changed and greatly expanded. Without a doubt, his wisdom and skill created better worlds on every level. Thank you, dear man.
So grateful for all the work he did in this life! I’m sure his spirit is singing right now!
Michael’s work and insights have firmly established Shamanism as a healing modality in the eyes of the western world. Thank you Michael and blessed be.
While I am smiling at the thought of Michael now purely in the spirit realms, I feel sad. I owe Michael and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies my life work and my spiritual path in shamanic healing and teaching. I met him almost 25 years ago in the Third East Cost Three Year Program atThe Pathwork Center in Phoenicia, NY. If it weren’t for him and all he taught me, I wouldn’t have the life I now have. I met my ex-husband through a FSS workshop and we together founded Spirit Hollow (, where I have lived and loved and taught and healed for 18 years. Without Michael’s work, I wouldn’t have met my ex-husband, had my amazing two children (now teens), and Spirit Hollow likely wouldn’t exist. Spirit Hollow directly grows from Michael. I am more than grateful for all that he shared with all of us and all the teachings he gave us. I will continue to share the teachings of core shamanism for the rest of my physical time here on the earth in Vermont. Thank you so deeply, Michael. Burst into The All That Is!
Thank you, Micheal for making Shamanism available for more people to experience. Although, I did not know you personally, I would not be the person I am now and been able to recover from my trauma without you. You are a blessing to me (and many others) forever!
I was privileged to attend a 2 week intensive with Michael as one of the teachers, as well as being able to meet Sandra. It was a profound experience that made such an impact on my life, as has the practice of shamanic journeying and healing. What a wonderful soul. Condolences to the family.
In the entire history of the study of shamanism, Michael Harner contributed more to a clear understanding of this human ability than any other previous scholar. He was the first professional anthropologist to make an effort to clearly delineate the core principles of shamanism. Even more importantly, he left academic teaching and research to establish a foundation that was directly involved in teaching these core principles to all those so interested. In a culture where most people do not believe in the reality of shamanism, this was a bold and risky undertaking that became extremely successful in teaching ordinary people how to responsibly practice shamanism. Consequently, he was the main 20th century scholar, along with his wife, to challenge our disbelief in shamanism, which was long overdue, and to demonstrate its reality. In my eyes, he was a true hero to have successfully undertaken such a difficult task.
I share the grief of all of us to have lost this wonderful benefactor, grateful for his teachings and how they changed my life and transformed the consciousness of many, making the world a better, more compassionate container for our lives on earth. Michael was a truly great man.
We will miss Michael’s presence but know he will always be with us. So very grateful for his work and those that are continuing to carrying the torch in this world in your absence. Forever indebted to you for my showing me the way and teaching me how to better myself.
Thank you, Michael!
Thank you Michael for all that you and your students have taught me, for bringing practice and clarity to something that I had only sensed through a dark and unfocused lens. Also for working to preserve this knowledge where it was dying, and for restoring it to places where it had been lost.
Learning shamanic journeying has been one of the most important things in my life…decisions, health, visions, book titles, relationships, how to’s and all sorts of creative ideas. Not to mention communications with those who have passed…great relief and invigoration. Thank you Michael Harner for your life’s work and for sharing it.
thank you Michael for all you did for the ideas of indigenous people of the world
Michael Harner, may your soul be at peace. He shared with us not only his teachings but a ‘knowing’. His dedication in his line of work touched so many on a soul level.He is with the Great Spirit whose breadth passes through us all. Though he is not with us in his physical form, he will always continue to be our guide in spirit.
Michael, I honor you as my teacher and mentor. As the Celts are fond of saying, “Death is just something that happens in the middle of a long life…”
I’m moved to share this poem by David Whyte:
One day I will say
The gift I once had
Has been taken.
The place I have made for myself
Belongs to another,
And the words I have sung
are being sung by the ones
I would want.
Then I will be ready
For that voice
And the still silence in which it arrives.
And if my faith is good
Then we’ll meet again on the road
and we’ll be thirsty,
and we’ll stop
and laugh
And drink together again
From the deep well of things as they are
God speed, Michael. See you on the other side.
Very lovely and heartfelt John!
Gratitude for your life, Michael, and for being a bridge for so many – not only between ordinary and non-ordinary reality, but also between indigenous and Western ways of knowing. And for your wry, irreverent and wicked sense of humor that helped keep everything in balance. You, too, were and are a Treasure.
Thank you Michael for teaching us the beauty and’ Way of the Shaman.’ You honored and shared, the sacred teachings of the ancestors and blessed humanity with these profound and life changing gifts. You did so, selflessly, and with the deepest humility, love and devotion to the teachings. Like, a good father to his children you imparted ancient wisdom and teachings, that’ seemed miraculous’ as everyday ritual for mastery and healing with each magical journey.
In tribute: What an incredible human being, teacher and spirit to have walked this earth. The world is, and will forever be a better place, because of you and your work. The earth is in need of healing and you have allowed humanity to continue this through, ‘The Way of the Shaman.’ With our deepest gratitude we thank you.
I, well up with tears of happiness, as I try to find the words to honor you, ‘Our esteemed teacher.’ But, words seem inadequate. Nonetheless, truth be told, you were a remarkable, inspirational and great spirit. The moment I read, ‘The Way of the Shaman’,I began a lifelong journey of transformation that continues to this day. You profoundly impacted the path I chose to travel in this lifetime, and I am deeply thankful to you for this incredible gift.
We are forever, through your love and grace changed. Awakened to our true selves and the shamanic path of healing and transformation. The fruits of your labor, love, and light will live on forever. Your legacy will be told and retold with the beating of each drum.
Journey well on your way home. Soar high like the eagle and great spirits that call to you. You remain forever embedded in our hearts…Namaste.
Professor Michael Harner was my friend. He was a great visionary and teacher who helped set my feet back onto the ancient shamanist path almost 40 years ago and our many encounters across the years enhanced and changed the direction of my life. On the altar within my heart, a candle will burn for the spirit of Michael Harner forever.
—Hank Wesselman PhD., anthropologist and author of nine books on shamanism including The Spiritwalker Trilogy, Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation, The Bowl of Light: Ancestral Wisdom of a Hawaiian Shaman, and The Re-Enchantment: A Shamanic Path to a Life of Wonder.
We loved Michael’s sense of play. His laughter was the best medicIne!
I am grateful to be able to offer this depth of service to those in need. It is a true tribe of dedicated souls who say, yes to this kind of work. We are many and Michael trusted, if he built it, we would come. And we did! I am gratefull to contribute to the security that this work gets to continue in the world. And to all of us who answered The Call, we honor him!
Michael lives on through his legacy! Not many can make that claim!
I am grateful beyond words to be a hollow bone and to have these life experiences with Miracles! We are all blessed!
My only connection with Michael was through his drumming recordings but that was a HUGE impact. Through those recordings,I began journeys and still follow that path to this day. Blessings to him and to all who follow this path.
1982 at my first workshop with Michael and he right off tosses the circle into Shaman’s Death. Sure, why not go for it. He is chuckling in the back right when i am eaten by bugs on a mountain cave floor. What. My crows bring a road kill deer to replace my body. Too late for anyone to turn back, we are with Michael for the long haul. “Ask your power animal” was his frequent reply, another chuckle. So at Shamandome Camp at Burningman we run a Michael Harner set of core workshops, these are free, and to thousands who come to find their power animal, for direct access to source. “don’t ask me!” MH laughs, ask your power animal.
Yes, Michael Harner opened me up to shamanism in a class I took with him in New York City in the early 1980s, and this changed my life! I have been on that rocky road every since then!
Now, he is watching us from another other world, and smiling, smiling…
Nita Renfrew
NY City
Mr.Harner`s immense legacy lives on for all of us.
I am very grateful that he made shamanism available and accessible to us who live in the modern westernized world.
Let us rejoice he is now with the spirits who celebrate his coming home and his good work.
Thank you again and again for your immense contribution to humanity`s betterment.
I am so grateful for the work that Michael has done for all of us to be able to experience direct revelation from Spirit. His pioneering in the practices and ongoing connection with Spirit in shamanism is invaluable. I had the great privilege of meeting and working with him in the 4th East Coast 3 year class, in the first two meetings before he had his stroke. Those two meetings were priceless. I acknowledge and honor his memory and his life’s work.
What a lovely and kind man Michael was. The world has lost a national treasure.
I can only wish Sandra my love and some understanding of such a devastating loss.
With love
Daphne Crocker White
I am greatly saddened by Dr. Michael Harner’s transition into the next dimensions. Dr. Harner gave an Introductory Workshop to Shamanism in Chicago which I was privileged to attend and meet him. Although I did not pursue shamanism in a professional way it was a turning point in my life. Dr. Harner has given so much to so many people all around the world. His legacy lives on…may each of us be challenged to carry it on in some personal way. How did Michael Harner realize to connect to all of the different communities of people? It must be that it was his natural gift-his generosity of spirit and humorous nature that led him to create and bring forth all the beauty and connection to spirit all across the Earth. May you Rest In Peace now … and May this be another Beginning. With Great Respect and Deep Gratitude.
Thank you for translating and making available some of humanity’s wisdom in a digestible format for the modern western mind.
Aloha Michael, although I was not fortunate enough to meet you personally, I have gained a lot of knowledge about you and your work through Hank Wesselman, Sandra Ingerman and your books, thank you 4U. RIP
Dear Sandra and others in the valley, we met.
Let me tell our deep participation in Your sorrow. We remember Michael as a great scholar of Shamanhood. We never forget the ethical way Michael treated shamanic items from Siberian samans he had -whom I had met in my field work since 1989. We agreed upon sending them back to samans.
With happy memories. Marja and Juha Pentikäinen, Helsinki, Finland
Your teachings lives in our hearts. Thank you !!
Michael, my english is not very good, but I want to wish you a beautiful and magic travel in others worlds. I hope I’ll meet you in other life. With love. Carole.
Dearest Michael, Thank you for your gifts and for your grace of presence – I bid you Hail and Farewell – The journey begins, Blessings, Luna xxx
I never met Michael, what an honor it would have been! I know him thru his books and the teachings I received…I had been on a spiritual journey for over 20 years when I started taking the week-end workshops devised by Michael…Shamanism gave me tools I could use for any and all aspects of my life which is truly remarkable, tools I have started using to help others as well. Thank you Michael, you have left quite a legacy and it will live on…Rest in peace…
I’m grateful for everything he did for the shamanic work. I did not dare to dream how my life has changed for the better with this work. And, strictly speaking, the seminars have made it possible for me to consciously dream and bring it to life. Thank you for this gift! And I think we’ll meet again ….
Je n’ai jamais rencontré Michael Harner physiquement, mais j’ai senti son esprit à travers les enseignements que j’ai reçus par Laurent Huguelit en France.
Michael Harner m’a aidée par la forme et l’esprit de son enseignement à me donner la possibilité et surtout la permission de me reconnecter avec des ressentis de l’enfance sur la force du chamanisme, des connaissances des Peuples Premiers, et le bien que leurs pratiques peuvent faire pour aider les êtres humains. Gratitude à Michael Harner, son épouse et ses équipes.
I never met physically but I felt his spirit through the teachings I received by Laurent Huguelit in France.
Michael Harner helped me by the form and spirit of his teaching to give me the opportunity and especially the permission to reconnect with childhood feelings about the power of shamanism, the knowledge of the “First Peoples”, and the good that their practices can do to help humans beings.
Gratitude to him and his wife and his teams.
Michael Harner changed my life. In 1996 I traveled to CA from PA to attend my first Foundation of Shamanic Studies course in Basic Core Shamanism. I wanted to hear from the “master” Michael Harner. I LOVED what I learned during this weekend workshop. When Michael mentioned he worked at The New School of Social Research, I called my Uncle Allen Austill who was Dean at this school and asked his opinion… he had just hired Michael and of course said he was great. I subsequently delved deeply into shamanism and for the past 20 years have always appreciated Michael’s clear mastery of shamanistic practices. I highlight shamanism in my book, Change Maker, How My Brother’s Death Woke Up My Life, which has won 3 national book awards. Am delighted that shamanism and Michael Harner’s work has received this acknowledgement. Thank you Michael for being a great teacher and scholar. Your skills are very appreciated.
I never met Michael but I am very greatful for his gifts to the world. Many Blessings for his onward journey and love to his family and friends at this time.
Thank you for your commitment to indigenous people and the lifelong dedication to your vision. It is a blessing to be a part of this path with you.
Beloved Michael, you helped me unlock a doorway into my spirit which opened so many other doors and pathways.
My deep sympathy to Sandra and your family. We were so blessed to have you with us on your Earthwalk for such a good run! Deepest gratitude and bless your Journey back to the Stars. Love Nadiya Nottingham
My life and my world has totally been transformed because of
my studies with the foundation. Thank you!!!!!!
Love and gratitude. Life and imagination are so much bigger and wonderful because of Michael Harner!
My teacher was Kenneth Meadows. Kenneth was taught by Michael (amongst others) and he went on to write books and teach core shamanism. It is clear to see that Michael had a huge influence on Ken’s knowledge, wisdom and way of practice and this was reflected in the Shamanic Practice I was taught. Learning about the shamanic ways really helped me to make sense of my life and the experiences I had been having since early childhood. It bought clarity to my thoughts, values and world view. I was struggling with the disconnectedness of the people in this world, just couldn’t understand or relate. I would say that Shamanic Practice has changed my life and way of being or rather facilitated me coming in to understanding or alignment of those things. Shamanic Practice is life changing. It is with great respect and honor that I acknowledge the huge role that Michael has regarding my own shamanic practice. I am so grateful for his life, his wisdom and his ability to share shamanics with so many. I will continue to hold Michael in my heart and daily prayers in gratitude.
My first workshop with Michael was an introductory weekend in Southern California. I remember how, while everyone was settling in, he strolled around the circle, checking out each participant. At my spot, he stopped. I looked up, our eyes met, and he gave me one of those soul-piercing gazes of his, looking INTO rather than at me. There was a pause. Then he said: “This isn’t new to you, is it.” I smiled. He chuckled and proclaimed dramatically: “Very well, then. Proceed!”
Working with Michael has always been a joy. Thank you, sir, for paving the way for so many…
Ahhh, Michael… U r on the trip of your everlasting, now! You provided me the opportunity to live and learn through the grass roots community in Berkeley about Essie Parrish and the world of Shamanism, altho Essie never called herself a shaman. I did the divination to find where we would live at the time that my dear Ruby was dx’d w a congenital brain tumor. As i told Michael, we were balls to the wall! It was like finding a needle in a haystack, but by feeling what we wanted, and trusting in what we wanted of our lives, we found our new home, just a few miles down the road from where Essie lived and worked, among her relatives. It was where my daughter attended school, acted in theatre, and ran her own business at the age of ten. She passed here 9 days before her 13th b-day. Thanks Michael, for providing the tools to find where we wanted to be to enrich her last days this time round on this earth. You remain my teacher… Through the veils.
“If there was ever a person to be welcomed by the ancestors, and those who live in the upper and lower worlds, he is the one. Such a celebration!!!
So much good, so much giving, such a good sense of humor, and of honor.
His last book- no secrets, except those not his to disclose. Truly, a gift to all of us who ever knew him.
He is like a man who daily plants a few trees. Through the years a great forest slowly grows from his hands. He has left behind him so much that is growing well and nourishing others.”
James Fadiman, Ph.D.
American psychologist and writer
Adjunct Full Professor of Psychology – Institute of Transpersonal Psycholog
I am forever grateful to Dr. Harner for introducing me to “The Shamanic Journey” at Omega, Rhinebeck, NY July 1987.
We are your legacy dear Michael. I’m grateful to have experienced YOU as my teacher. You’re teachings are forever threaded in the shamanic work I do. I smile in your memory… your gentle laugh, and yes– those grinding stones 🙂 Thank you dear one. Walk on!
Michael’s work changed my life; the FSS trainings changed my life. His light will endure throughout time and place. I am eternally grateful for his curiosity, his passion, his teachings, and his being.
I am eternally grateful that Michael’s teachings were introduced to me in 1981. My experiential entrance to NOR shifted my paradigm in unimaginable ways. I feel so fortunate to have learned with Michael to navigate magical realms that truly have brought forth wondrous and power filled healing not only for myself but my many clients that have benefited enormously over the years. Michael was able to overcome his academic training biases and plunge deeply into the many worlds of NOR to bring back to us these profound and previously hidden teachings that truly bring forth miracles to alleviate pain and suffering in ways that traditional talk therapy can never address. I will always carry deep appreciation and thanks for Michael’s intrepid and committed passion to share with all of us the wonders of hidden realities embedded with love..
Michael was already moving partway into retirement by the time I took a few classes with him back in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s (a 2-week intensive and then several years later the 3-year series of week-long workshops), so I never experienced him in what I would guess was his “shamanistic” prime. I was none the less definitely impressed by his abilities to invite actual spirits and create nontrivial results in several of the class exercises and demonstrations. But what I was by far most impressed with was his rather subtle and adult invitation to attendees to consider if and when and how one should engage with spirits. On the one hand, through some of those old videos he had us watch and some discussions after, he advocated the consideration of the way some (probably) bad spirits had been taking over and creating healing cults in Brazil by possessing and then tossing away local healers-to-be. And by implication (only), he asked in effect if that has ever happened in any way to us or anyone we had met here where we live. On the second hand, he created learning opportunities to sit back as an onlooker and see and think about conservation of healing effects in our class circles (for those who had already been working for a while). I definitely saw some of that (some people getting better at the expense of some getting worse) in the three year workshops I attended, and I probably wouldn’t have gotten the chance if I was busy running my own show. And on a third-hand, through the use of a few traditional techniques (such as using the elements of a costume to turn connections on and off) and discussions of our results in a greater circle with alternative points of view, he at least gave us the opportunity to reconsider the long term consequences of our actions and our practices and the various natures of the “things” (the spirits) that come over us when we ourselves are working. I wouldn’t pretend the above was Michael’s prime interest — again and again he spoke to his concern that all connection to shamanic practices might be lost. But I personally admire him for doing quite a bit better than just teaching a lot of people some basics and then kicking them out the door. He actually gave those present some opportunity (and a few tools) to think more deeply about what sorts of things were actually going on during a wide range of spiritual phenomena. I personally think that is something that is now long overdue, and I thank him for offering a few tools and a few examples for getting it started again.
I studied with Michael in the 1980s while working on a graduate degree in anthropology at the New School for Social Research in New York City. Michael was a wonderful professor! A wonderful man!
Tim Troy
Michael, though I never met you. I will never forget you. I will always be grateful for your work,for your commitment to the work, and to the students. You and Sandra have been mentors to thousands- that work will go on. You will be missed.
Wopila tanka.
I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Michael Harner. I met Michael in 2012 after about 2 years of studying his work. He was a significant influence on my own path, and encouraged me to further my studies both within core shamanism and beyond. His physical presence will be missed although his legacy and teachings will live forever.
I am holding FSS in my heart and on my mesa during this time.
Lisa Wiggins
Michael Harner’s consciousness has separated from his physical form, and flys free!
Michael Harner probably saved my life, at least my sanity. I had no framework for non ordinary reality experiences until I met him in the early 80’s. At that time, shamanic states of consciousness did not exist in the West except as a possible mental health diagnosis. He was such a lighthearted being. His sense of humor was awesome, you never knew what to expect. “Shamanism is a path of knowledge, not of faith, and that knowledge cannot come from me or anyone else in this reality. To acquire that knowledge, including the knowledge of the reality of the spirits, it is necessary to step through the shaman’s doorway…” Michael Harner
Many people have worked with Michael and Sandra Harner and Susan Molkeke to preserve the legacy of FSS for many future generations of students, initiates, support for sacred world treasures of shamanism across the planet, and an archive of shamanic research which will keep researchers ecstatically busy for decades. Often legacies are thought of as what’s left of a lifetime of work. Michael Harner has left a legacy which has no end. It has seeded a magnificent rememembering for many thousands of students past and future.
I want to thank Dr. Michael Harner for bringing his work to the forefront and creating what is considered contemporary shamanism. It was an honor being a student of his like so many others and incorporating “core shamanism” into my life and in turn, helping so many others. I will continue to strive on the path of his shamanic legacy, by being in service to this work and the community. He leaves big shoes to fill which can only be done by all of us. My condolences to his family and may he rest in peace surrounded by love.
I myself never had the opportunity to meet Michael. I had always hopped I would some day. I have taken many classes in the past, but not with Michael. Read his books and loved the work he has brought into this world. Loved the documentary done on him. The new awareness that he has started, and continues to work on. This is such sad news to us all and sadder news to those who have yet to find this path. For they will always wish that they could have met him as I have.
Maybe we will see him in our journeys. Thank you for sharing with us. Prayers and hugs to the family.
Michael Harner had a very important and permanent influence on my personal spiritual development. Though the contact was brief the impact was major. By showing me the directness and elemental nature of the shamanic journey, through actual experience, he made me aware of the foundations of human spiritual expression, enabling me to see its presence today. This helped me shape my personal vision and practices. Thank you Michael, and bon voyage!
Gracias Mikel por tus enseñanzas. Feliz vida presente y futura.
Thank you Michael for your teachings. Happy present and future life.
Michael was briefly the head of the graduate anthropology department at The New School (in NYC) when I was doing my graduate degree there. He was a great professor, always with a sense of humor and full of knowledge (famous for smoking his cigars in his office – this was the 1970’s so smoking was permitted). Loved the classes with him. Have regretted not taking in class of religion while there.
Yeats later took first wife to a shamanistic weekend seminar. I’m too mental – can’t get there myself. But my then wife was very successful on the first effort to get a spirit guide. But she doubted the reality of what she experienced. I suggested to Mike that the next day, since they would be going to the upper worlds, to have the participants write down what they see and experienced before sharing. If what is seen and experienced on the various levels is similar that would provide evidence the upper worlds are real, not imagination.
The next day Mike followed my suggestions. Most everyone got to level one and many to level two. Only 3 or 4 to level four, including my wife. There they all described the same structure and scenes. It was a wonderful way to dispel the doubters.
Though not in contact for years, I have always kept a close place in my thoughts and heart for Michael. But happy he is in the upper worlds and continuing his work there.
In walking my spiritual path I owe a great deal to so many people who have helped me and been instrumental on my journey, but none as much as to Michael Harner. Although his Core Shamanism may not be for everyone (and I moved on from it myself), it is undoubtedly true that he brought hundreds of thousands of people back to the shamanic path in the West. His work has been a life-line to so many people, to help them find their way to the shamanic path. On a personal level, I can barely begin to convey the depths gratitude that I feel towards him, and how much I owe to him. My life would be impoverished without having discovered his work. For his accessible and practical teachings gave me the tools and confidence to discover and explore for myself the rich and beautiful worlds of shamanism and, most importantly, to find my deeper, more authentic and true soul. That is a gift that is literally priceless to me beyond measure. Michael Harner, although I never met you in person, I send you my heart-felt, soul-felt love, gratitude, respect and blessings for the next part of your journey.
It was 1990, and I was 31 years old when I took a weekend workshop with Michael. During those 2 days, I learned to journey to the lower world to meet my animal spirits, and to the upper world to meet my teachers. His core shamanic techniques connected me to dimensions of consciousness where I found my true self and the wisdom to become a co-creator of my life.
Some 28 years later, I continue to work with the intelligence and heart connection available through these subtle dimensions of consciousness. I will be forever grateful to Michael and Sandra for their work in preserving and disseminating such powerful tools for psycho-spiritual healing. We would have a different world if similar workshops were as basic to our socialization as a k-12 education.
If you’ve heard about shamanism it is because of Michael Harner. Michael not only wrote about shamanism but taught those so inclined to practice it. That is to help others with their pain and suffering in the most ancient way of humankind.
Like Michael I am an anthropologist and a student of shamanism but Michael was the master who outlined the core of shamanism world wide and made it’s practice understandable and applicable to western consciousness.
I was fortunate to be his student.
Michael changed my life. Better put, made it. Showed me how to be a better person and integrate many differing elements that could be used in a compassionate manner. More than that he taught me how to teach shamanic workshops. I owe my entire career to him. He was a guiding light.
It’s hard to write as my tears well up. I loved Michael and miss him terribly.
I’m deeply grateful for the time I studied with Michael Harner.
I took the beginning shamanism course with Michael in San Francisco
and the 3 year advanced program ending in April 1996.
I’ve now been journeying for 27 years and it enriches my
life continually.
Knowing many thousands of people around the world
are also practicing & teaching shamanism is a tribute to
Michael and a comfort to me.
Blessings Eileen Stevens
I feel so indebted to Michael, not just for my life in shamanism, but for my actual life itself: Without the Foundation, and all the kind, Foundation-trained people who worked with their helping spirits to heal me, 8 years ago, from late-stage, metastatic cancer that I had been told was terminal, I wouldn’t be here.
Thank-you, Michael. With all my everlasting love, respect and gratitude, Carol Glegg
Hi Carol. You are a living testimony to the truth of what this work is about. Good to read your message. I’ll never forget YOU!
Good journey, Michael. Good journey. May my love and gratitude help lift you to your new home.
Back in the late 80’s to early 90’s. Is when I first attended Michael Harners’s Shamanic Basic Core Class in New York City. It was held in Manhattan, NY, inside a basket ball gymnasium on 7th Ave. It was quite a large group that attended for that weekend. Michael was teaching. It was great to meet and learn from him. The weekend was a memorable one that I will never forget. The experience, and the Shamanic method Michael taught is great. And the other thing that I will never forget about Micheal is his sense of humor. There were many laughs in between the lessons. May Michael’s wife family receive much love and support during this period of mourning and may Michael finally return back home to the universal stars among ancestral spirits. May Michael Rest In Peace.
My life and world have forever been changed by Michaels workshops. I took the workshops in curiosity and as a cynic, being stretched uncomfortably and came out as a believer in NOR and its benefits and wondrous ways. I did not have the privledge of meeting him but have grown through his workshops and books and have experienced the impossible !!! in journeys and meeting spirit animals and helpers. Many blessings Michael on your new journey !! Thank you again.
Although I never met Dr. Michael Harner I have attended several of his workshops taught by members of the Foundation.
I have enormous respect and admiration for Dr. Harner’s work and his willingness to preserve and recuperate this ancient human cultural treasure.
Thank you Michael, with gratitude.
I only met Michael in person one time, at a weekend workshop in Seattle in 2004. But I feel like I knew him much more than that from his books and from the CD’s of his dialogues with his distinguished guests at the annual meeting of the FSS. His kind-heartedness, his wisdom, his wit, and his wonderful irreverent sense of humor really shine on those CD’s. And of course he made shamanism accessible to Western societies that are in dire need of its teachings. A great teacher produces great students, and at his workshop I met one of his assistants who lived in the Seattle area and went on to take classes from her that were very inspirational and helped me on my path. I also gave him a CD of Native American songs by a man I knew named Beaver Chief, and I was pleasantly surprised a couple weeks later that he took the time to send me a personal thank you note. I am sad that he is no longer with us in physical form, but I also feel that it is a time to celebrate his life and the richness of all that he gave us. He inspired a lot of people and touched a lot of lives in a really good way.
Sobbing, just a mess now, trying to absorb the news of his death, trying to understand my own emotional reaction, this opens a new door of thought, that he was 18 yrs older than I, and if I can make it until 88 I will be lucky.
I cry because in my entire life, up to now, the number of highlights, highest vibrational moments, I can recall are rare and precious.
Michel Harner and Sandra were there when I danced the power dance and was merged with a dragon spirit that broke my foot in an orgiastic dance that gave all participants the goosebumps…
Michael was there when I first met my power animal and when I did my first soul retrieval and first divination. He guided me through days of joy and laughter so deep and rich I will remember them forever as highlights of my life.
From the first class, he taught at the Chelsea High School gymnasium in Manhattan, 1993-4, to the two weeks intensive at Esalen, where I arrived in a black suit having just flown from my mother’s funeral in Florida…and rounded out by the magnificent fifth West Coast, Three-year program he taught me, and took me through the miracle journey of the rope-bound Shaman. He gave me a bright new strength as I was moving through my 50’s into middle age.
Few beings have ever moved me forward like he did. He led me into new shamanic realms of spirit and healing, giving me the highest of self-esteem.
Walking the path of the drum was in itself an entirely new kind of human experience for me; it helped me flourish in my regular life as an artist.
Why cry now when I have not seen him nor Sandra Harner in years, sadly. Why feel the loss now, when I have been gone and away from the foundation a while. I was waiting and dreading this day. I worried about Sandra Harner. I worried about myself. How can we not have MH alive anymore?
Missing the man, his face, his humor and his hat. Sandra, I hold you in a tight embrace of sadness, and of love, for you, the mighty warrior always by his side.
He inspired in his deep focus and academic purity. As an anthropologist, he lived the life he studied. His contribution to the world’s knowledge base is priceless, and his scholarly approach to his mystical subject matter gave his foundation legitimacy.
I mourn for him. I keep sobbing as I write about him. I loved him so much, and will always sing his praises.
Few people in life have affected me as strongly and positively as he did. Being on the board of trustees of the FSS for years, he invited me into his and Sandra’s magic mountain home, into their kitchen to share delicacies from Mill Valley, all memories of another family, another “home” from my East coast base. Like another set of parents or older siblings, Sandra and Michael became dear family to me for several decades. I cannot stop weeping even though I know he is with us still, its just the memories of our times together that make me cry with bittersweet tears.
I am so proud of his foresight, to bring Susan Mokelke into the leadership of the FSS to take over from him. A great visionary bringing in another great visionary to protect his life’s work and keep it moving forward.
Hats off to you dear Michael…
Robert Lee Morris
I’m a newbie, but my shamanic journeys have taken me to new and powerful truths, not otherwise available. Thank you Michael for recognizing, honouring, and documenting this planet’s home religion. It’s always been here, not: imported, imposed, or contracted. It was discovered and rediscovered by an endless line of human hearts, and your great work has helped to open many doors into non-ordinary reality for those who seek answers in other worlds. Rest in loving peace brother.
Steve Staniek,
I think of you Michael Harner as a courageous explorer of unknown frontier, a pioneer mapping the mysterious inner world, a compassionate being who generously gives back to indigenous tribes, a teacher inspiring countless students with your creation of Core Shamanism. I never met you in person but hoped you would address our upcoming 3 year class. Michael, may you be received with great joy and celebration in the realm of Spirits as you continue your great work.
I heard for the first time about Michael Harner when I awoke (my love) to the shamanism, in Brazil. All Brazilians shamanic practitioners respect and honor Michael. It’s a dream for everybody there coming to California to study at the FSS. I’ve been living in California… so the dream is so close of coming true. We honor, respect and love MH. We are very grateful for what Michael did. Much Light, Michael Harner!
I will be forever grateful for the tireless and passionate work Michael Harner and the FSS has done on behalf of Shamanic cultures world wide in regards to preservation and education. Because of the Core Shamanic teachings, I was able to pass through spaces within non-ordinary realities and reconnect to sources or compassion, healing, love, support, and personal empowerment I could only dream of. Micheal, your light and legacy will continue through your students, and their students, and so on, and so on. Love is service and service is love. Thank you.
Thank you, Michael. I did not know what I was doing at that first workshop thirty years ago. You put down a little, ratty brown blanket on the hard floor and had one simple candle. One hundred people were gathered in a double circle. The scent of Basil came around. When you first beat the drum, I knew I was home. I knew I was home. Later, you said to us that you do not have to follow your Guides. Try it and see what happens. As a Shamanic Practitioner, I quote you sometimes. The trick is to understand the Guides clearly. That is the Practice.
As Michael Harner transitions I feel a deep sadness and joy as I reflect the passing of this extraordinary man who shared the most profound collective knowledge of the wonders of the non ordinary reality of Shamanism. It is through this that I came to know my beautiful friend, amazing teacher and mentor, my dear sister Gizelle Rhyon-Berry.
The gifts I have received are numerous, including beautiful poems and songs that have come to me from the Stars through the compassionate Spirits that I have come to know and love.
This song came to me when a dear lady lost her young brother. It is healing when feeling loss of a beautiful soul in transition back to the Stars.
As you leave
As you leave this earth
A reason is unclear
Your journey was so dear
All that you have been
All that you have shared
Your path is always here
A legacy for eternity
Remembering your joy
Gifts of you are in my heart
The essence of Divine
Winds will whisper
A Star will shine
As you leave this earth
Your love is everywhere
Kalina – May 2013
Thank you dear Michael Harner for awakening my being to “all that is”. I am forever grateful for the stairways that carry me to the dream worlds creating this magical play called life. May your journey be gentle and swift. Your Star will shine brightly above forever!
Michael taught me how to change my life forever. With great gratitude I thank him and wish him many blessings. Happy trails to you…
It is true that Mr. Harner has changed many lives and this is also true for me. Nothing in my religious, social or professional background was even remotely close to shamanism. I got my initiation thanks to the book. Since then, thanks to my spiritual helpers, my life has changed so manifold that I have even a hard time listing all the changes. May I also add, without arrogance and exaggeration, that the new insights gained through Mr. Harners introduction into the world of the spirits and the wisdom of my spiritual helpers I was given the strength to participate in the change of millions people’s lives, this in association with my Indian friend. He was a true philanthropist. May he rest in peace.
Michael was a great teacher and was subtle in sharing his wisdom and knowledge of a world that most of us had not even considered before learning of Shamanism. He will be missed in our physical world but be with us always in the upper world. Thank you Michael.
It was with great sadness that I heard the news of Michael Harner’s passing. Anthropologist, Founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS), Teacher, Mentor, Friend. I had the privilege of being one of his field associates for Nepal…and the honor of delivering his annual Living Treasures stipend to the three Tibetan Lhapas on his behalf. May his journeys beyond be filled with wonder.
I met Michael in an shamanic Workshop in the early 80 in Alpbach Germany.
Through his teachings I was able to find my own teacher and get in contact with the other worlds.I am very greatful and I know I was very lucky to have
Michaels knowledge and wisdom that has been a part of my life upto now. Through him I have integrated shamanism in my life and have been able to help animal people and human people over all these years.
I will allways Keep him in my heart.
Thanks to Michael Harner’s work and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, I was introduced to the practice of Shamanism many years ago. My studies through Foundation workshops and personal practice have put me on the most profound spiritual path I have ever experienced. I am so thankful to Michael Harner for preserving these ancient teachings and bringing them to our modern society where they are so needed during this time of transition, both as tools for survival and as a path to authentic connection to all of creation.
I am gleeful at the thought that Michael now gets to walk in one world with both feet…that he is exploring the other side of the veil, the great mystery, what he has professionally flirted with his whole career.
I believe that Michael is one of the most influential people in all of our lives, introducing us to and leading us into this very sacred path. It is a beautiful lineage that lives on. It is our sacred duty to carry on the teachings and wisdom that he introduced us to, that pinhole, that portal he lead us through, which has opened up into the most amazing, healing, wisdom-giving of NOR landscapes…through which he changed the consciousness of the world, and so shall we continue. Thank you, bless you, Michael, on your holy ride.
A force of nature!
With abiding love and gratitude for all that Michael did in his life and work for so many beings here and in all worlds! May the seeds of his teaching continue to flourish in our lives, and in the work of our hands, carrying forward forever the beautiful medicine of core shamanism and the helping spirits.
More than 30 years ago I had the great good fortune and privilege to attend an extended shamanic workshop with Michael in the Sierra mountains.
The experience opened up a pathway for me to journey to other worlds and realities and the wonders of shamanic practice.
Thank you Michael
I relished reading the other posted comments. It seems that all who met Michael Harner experienced a soul who was imprinted on us. I only spent two days with him in a workshop in 1999. Yet I will never forget his presence, smile, laugh, voice, teaching, dance, and heart full outpouring of knowledge, wisdom, and passion. Not many in our world have the impact he has had, and will continue to have. He has lit many little fires that will continue to burn more brightly as time goes on. Since hearing of his passage, I have rejoined the FSS and resumed journeying, after a ten year break. So many memories from the workshop and his CDs have flooded over me. But there’s one line that I keep hearing him say – “There’s no place for a guru in shamanism. I like flowers and chocolate just as much as the next guy. But there’s no place for a guru in shamanism.” If there were, it would be you. Thank you, Michael.
The day I learned of Michael Harner’s transition I laid my head on my desk and sobbed. First there is always the shock of such news and then comes the process of letting go of our loved ones. Fortunately, this has been easier with my spiritual father because he couldn’t be in better hands than with his intimate spirit family. Through direct instruction from Michael over the decades at various workshops, and at the two-week FSS course in CA (where at dinner I happily tolerated his good-humored teasing about how a musician actually makes a living), I know these things to be certain: Michael’s vision, humility, compassion for humanity and dedication to his sacred mission of introducing core shamanic practices to the West, are forever imprinted upon my heart and live on through his students. Blessings and Light upon Sandra and the entire FSS staff, who are carrying the torch of teaching direct access to Spirit. May the FSS flourish and receive the support and acknowledgement it needs to continue awakening humanity. With love and gratitude, “The Riverboat Musician” // p.s. Michael, thanks for saying hi to Milo.
i would never have made it home from s.e. asia were it not for the knowledge michael made available to me in his writings and the foundation workshops i attended…in my experiance i have found him to be the most spiritually significant human of the 20th century….thank you michael
My respectful homage to Michael Harner, an unusual anthropologist who has served his life during the cause of shamanism and initiated his reappropriation for individual development and peace. I was able to measure his kindness in a few beautiful encounters with him (in Paris and Marin County). Being an French anthropologist myself, we addressed together the academic limiting conventions in our discipline and I remember a little sentence that he slipped me with a slight complicit smile: “What I do is practical anthropology! “. So long in Michael…
As I hearken back to the beginnings of my own training about 25 years ago, one teacher/mentor stands out: Michael Harner. I was introduced to this system in a two day course that he taught and after leaving that course, I knew this was the next step in my path. I was on fire and grabbed any and all training I could in Core Shamanism and other approaches.
I then took a two week intensive at Esalen in California he and Sandra Ingerman taught, then a three year program that, if I had any doubts, confirmed this was my path. Michael had been criticized by the scientific community for teaching these courses and I recall him saying in response to these criticisms, “As long as humans are doing what they do to the earth, I will continue teaching these methods.” It was that kind of courage that I admired, along with his clarity and humility. He knew who he was and he knew what his mission was.
It is with some sadness that I heard the news over the weekend that he had died, while at the same time appreciating the immense legacy this great man brought to the world. I will forever remember him with joy in my heart and appreciation that I had the opportunity receive some training and mentoring.
Thank you Michael.
All my life from 18 years old I’ve been drumming in a professional way, from the 30 years old searching for the spiritual dimension in me,twelve years ago I make ‘The Way of the Shaman’ in Spain, now, I’m guest faculty in Spain. Is practicing core-shamanic healing and now sharing this knowledge that I begin to understand. Day after day I can give witness that the wisdom of Michael Harner has been great. And for me has been a way to unsdestand the ‘way of the center’, the way of to take the leadering of my own spirituality, and how to take this spiritual methodology to give service and healing.
My most sincere thanks, Michael Harner, to what you have created. I have not kown you in person, only from your work, I live a little bit far away. Thanks to what from you has arrived to me. So much is what you have come to transmit me. Thanks to how much generosity and love have you had available to leave this beautiful legacy. With absolute honor, absolute gratitude, and with absolute respect, I take such this immense gift and with absolute enthusiasm, ethics, loyalty and fidelity, I will continue to be delighted to spread this immense knowledge. Thanks also to Alicia Luengas, Susan and all the staff that make with his work this transmission possible.
My gratitude to Michael Harner for this work and bringing this into my life. Approaching 20 years since I first took the Basic workshop and my spiritual life has never been the same. I offer a special thanks for the work of the foundation that has brought me full circle and opened a new relationship with my ancestors from Mexico. I would have left my interest in curanderismo on the back burner if not for this work and especially the deep and magnificent training of the Three Year Program. I will remember fondly his wise words- “journey on it”.
It was with profound sadness to hear the passing of Michael. I had the very great honor to be coached by Michael and Sandra on my initial introduction to shamanism a number of years ago. I did not fully realize what I was signing up for when I registered for the class. A good friend pushed me to sign up. I had read some of the suggested books prior to going so I had a small idea of what to expect. The amount of one on one time and clarity of vision that Michael exposed me to has been life and focus altering for me. I have not been able to follow up on more extensive training sadly due to distance and financial issues, but the basics that I learned on that weekend are beyond measure and I try to practice what I learned on those two days. I keep trying to expand by reading and following the recordings that I have collected and being overjoyed by how my spiritual life has/is expanded and been comforted.
I have photos of Michael and Sandra at my class that I look at frequently. It is a joy to see and remember them in those times.
We have lost a guiding giant.
Thanks alone cannot express the profound changes that this man and his ideas have brought. Let us each keep our journey going.
I am full of gratitude, honor and respect for Michael Harner and his teachings, his vision and his legacy. Taking his workshops made my heart sing. Great blessings to Sandra, the entire family and staff of the Foundation and to Susan, who continues holding the torch. Michael, you must feel deep comfort knowing that the work of your life is left in such capable hearts and hands. Your humor and wisdom will forever live on through so many of us. You are true inspiration.
Bless you as you continue to explore the realms from another perspective. Forever in my heart.
Over the course of the past few months I’ve been dealing with a a medical situation affecting my wife. There was a very long hospital stay. In the course of this stay I chanced to come across a copy of Way of the Shaman. I provided a tremendous spiritual resource for this challenge and helped me begin a new path in development. In view of the sad news I will say thanks, Michael, for showing the way and providing inspiration in following it. It is true you have transitioned to another level, but you are not totally separated from me and those of us here when we need you.
During the FSS 3-Year Program, I was walking with another student on the road to the classroom, when Michael drives up behind us, leans out the window, and asks, “Is this the road to enlightenment?” Yup.
In the early 80’s I took my first workshop with Michael. It put me on the path that sustains me everyday and made my life possible. The study and daily practice of shamanism has lead me to so many wondrous people, places and experiences on so many levels. Thank you Michael for the gifts of your teachings and for sharing your time here with so many of us. Blessings to all in the Foundation Family.
His books have always been with me. I learned from him everything I know about shamanism today. Goodbye Michael Harner – my Master.
Over the years that I have been a member of the FSS I have worked with many people, and groups of people. They range from students in K-12, local Universities, at risk youth, adult people and students with disabilities, and now with soldiers suffering with PTSD and addiction. Drumming has always been a part of the programs as well as journey work and methodologies Michael Harner has developed in his work in the field of Shamanism.
My path to these programs has been a result of the passion Michael Harner had for Humanity. It would be impossible to count the people that have benefitted from his groundbreaking work. But I do recall many comments, faces and instances, from those that found healing in their lives through his work.
As a combat veteran of the Vietnam war, and now 70 years of age, I find the work more important than ever. My volunteer work with veterans suffering from PTSD and the scars war leave behind is based on Michaels work. I am blessed to have the opportunity to work with these people, but, equally blessed to have a base to help relieve the suffering I see in the eyes of these courageous soldiers.
I am sure Michaels work will continue to heal the suffering so many are in need of, both here and through the many people that have taken his workshops.
My sincere condolences to his family and those touched by his lifetimes work. He has given the gift of healing to so many people with his wonderful Spirit…
Jim Johnson (Beadshaman)
Yes, We are blessed. Thank you for your comment. It is great. Michael remains Great.
Michael’s spirit offered depth and joy as he enabled each among us turning to open to spirit within. “Ask spirit” is now a fundamental healing pathway. Love and joy to all of us blessed to know him.
Thanks Michael. Last November un Argentina learnt your techniques from Gerardo. Such a sad new. My respects to the family. Thanks again.
I was hoping Time would give me eloquent words, but it has not. I feel the Void of his body as it no longer occupies space on the surface of the Earth, and yet I feel blessed having had the privilege and opportunity to have met Michael personally, not just through his books.
What sticks in my mind most and holds fond memories, was a Skype call/visit from Michael with our class. We were invited to ask Michael questions. When I introduced myself on the call, I reminded him I had previously taken a class with him. A wry smile came across his face and then I knew: He had captured the essence of me.
Thank you Michael for your quick wit and humor!
Thank you for opening the door and providing a foundation for so many rich conversations and experiences from the basic, the weekend workshops, the two week intensive, the three year program and circle reunions.
Thank you for the teachers and practitioners who sprung from the work, to write books, to learn from their helpers and to heal others, seen and unseen.
Thank you for the foresight to create a repository of modern shamanic experiences.
Good journeying with you.
from the heart of the days of “dreaming” the birthing of the VISION of the Foundation, today we celebrate the full INSPIRITNG of our dear friend, guide, mentor Michael …
and extend warm support outreach to Sandra and all kin …
ahwhey, ahwey wheywheywhey, ahwey, ahwey wheywheywhey …
with the heartbeat of my medicine drum guiding my journey, i say ;
“hello Michael … anything you would like to share with me today ?!”
thank you, merci ~!~
in spirit, armand (from nova scotia canada)
Michael was my dissertation supervisor in the PhD program at the New School. He was a kind and supportive man who helped me a number of times, and was a fine teacher. When I sought grants for my research, he helped. When I was writing my dissertation, he supported me. For my defense, he prepared me well. In the defense itself, he was my champion. I owe a long and successful career largely to him. Thank you, Michael.Know that you have done well, and done good.
I love you, Michael. I love you, Sandra. Some of the happiest days of my life were spent with you at Esalen years ago. Thank you for all you have given us. We will never forget.
Thank you, Michael. I was so fortunate to train with you. I cannot imagine what my life would be like now without that experience. I miss you. We all miss you.
May his long journey into rest be as peaceful as the peace inherent in his lessons he gave, and the legacy his life provides.
Another Class with Michael
In a recent dream I had (August 2021), Michael was teaching a new shamanic technique: a “plant dance”.
It was out in the open air and everybody was copying him, as if he were leading a yoga class. One plant pose he adopted was with his arms waving in the wind. Another was when he lay down on the grass, with his knees and arms upraised. In the dream, green fronds were sprouting and growing upwards out of his entire body! Looking on from the back of the class, I marveled at how extraordinarily fertile and creative plants are.
On waking up, I couldn’t help thinking of the hundreds of myths from around the world, in which culture heroes die and from their buried bones a powerful plant rises up to help the community – in this case, his teachings continue to spread and flourish. As Michael himself might say, a classic example of shamanism…
Matthew Callaway