About the Foundation for Shamanic Studies

Started in 1979 as the Center for Shamanic Studies, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies presents the world’s foremost training programs in shamanism and shamanic healing. They are based on the pioneering work of anthropologist Michael Harner, who brought shamanism to contemporary life in the West after extensive field and cross-cultural investigation, experimentation, and personal practice. He originated, researched, and developed core shamanism, a system designed for Westerners to apply shamanism and shamanic healing successfully to their daily lives. This system is based upon the underlying universal, near-universal, and common features of shamanism—together with journeys to other worlds—rather than upon culture-specific variations and elaborations.

Since the West overwhelmingly lost its shamanic knowledge centuries ago due to religious oppression, the Foundation’s programs in core shamanism are particularly intended for Westerners to reacquire access to their rightful spiritual heritage through quality workshops and training courses. Training in core shamanism includes teaching students to alter their consciousness through classic shamanic non-drug techniques such as sonic driving, especially in the form of repetitive drumming, so that they can discover their own hidden spiritual resources, transform their lives, and learn how to help others. Core shamanism does not focus on ceremonies, such as those of Native American medicine men and women, persons who do both shamanism and ceremonial work.

When invited by indigenous peoples who have largely lost their shamanic knowledge, the Foundation may send a team to help them establish firsthand shamanic contact with their own spirits and learn from them. With this work done in short time, the team leaves. The Foundation has done this by invitation in various parts of the world, including the Arctic of Eurasia and Canada, and in central Asia.

Where the survival of indigenous shamanism is threatened by outside forces such as religious and political persecution, the Foundation may designate elderly shamans as Living Treasures of Shamanism and provide lifetime stipends to help them pass their precious knowledge on to their peoples.

The Foundation also maintains a great archive, the Shamanic Knowledge Conservatory, containing irreplaceable documents, books, audio-visual media, and artifacts to preserve endangered shamanic knowledge for future generations.

Income from donations, workshops, and other activities of the Foundation help support these and other projects of the Foundation, which is a nonprofit public charitable and educational organization.

Michael Harner, Ph.D.
In memoriam, 1929—2018
Sandra Harner, Ph.D.

Board of Trustees
Susan Mokelke, J.D.
Della Clark
Louis Leeburg
Jeffrey David Ehrenreich, Ph.D.
Robin Gallant, M.S.W.
Tonya Lynn Roberts, CLAD
Sandra Harner, Ph.D.
Honorary Member

Executive Officer
Susan Mokelke, J.D.

The Shamanic Knowledge Conservatory
Sandra Harner, Ph.D.

Editor of the Shamanism Annual
Susan Mokelke, J.D.

Administrative Office
Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Noelle Burch, Executive Administrator
PO Box 1010
Pacifica, California 94044 USA
(415) 897-6416
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