Catherine Hughes, BFA, BEd

I was called to a shamanic path in 2010 during a significant illness, which is often the way people find their way into shamanism. During my illness and recovery, I began to explore shamanism through the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Through my work with the FSS, I was able to understand much of my past experiences with unseen realms.
My early studies with the Foundation were mostly for my own healing and curiosity. Later I chose to pursue advanced training and completed the Three Year Program of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing, and the Two Week Shamanic Healing Intensive. As my understanding grew, I was drawn to share the work with others. I applied to the FSS Faculty Intern Program and was pleased to be accepted.
This work has been personally transformative, and invaluable for my role within my family. I have three children, one of whom is developmentally delayed, autistic, and non-verbal. Through my shamanic practice I have deepened my understanding of how to walk with my children and family in a healthy, meaningful way, while respecting the sovereignty of the individual, regardless of dependence. The nature of this practice is so wondrous and yet down-to-earth practical, that I wish to facilitate these experiences for others through teaching. I care deeply about my fellow human beings and am blessed to share this work, which I feel can help so many to live more well-balanced, satisfying, and joyful lives.
Catherine was involved in the arts for many years. She has a Fine Arts degree and a BA in Education, and worked as an art educator in public and private schools, and for provincial and national museums in Nova Scotia and Ottawa.