Core Shamanism Chronicles: Shamanic Healing, Neck Injury

©2019 Foundation for Shamanic Studies
I had received a call from a client who requested healing for her neck. She had been in a car accident two years prior and had sustained an injury to her neck. Despite going to various doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapists, she still suffered from pain and was unable to turn her head very far to the right. After journeying to my helping spirits, I was told to give her power and to do a healing for her using specialized drum beats provided by the helping spirits. After passing power to her I started the drum healing. Several minutes into the healing there was an audible snap from my client. It was her neck which made the noise and for the first time in over two years she was amazed to be able to turn her head and her pain was gone.
Scott Williams, FSS Two Week Intensive & Three Year Program graduate
FSS Core Shamanism Chronicles features brief personal shamanic healing accounts and practical applications of shamanism in daily life. By sharing our inspiring stories with each other, we hope to reveal the power, effectiveness, and beauty of shamanic practice.
If you have a core shamanic practice story to share, use our contact form and put “Chronicles” in the subject line. Submission guidelines: accounts should be no more than a few paragraphs long and offer a specific personal example of healing or applying core shamanism methods in everyday life. As always, keep in mind ethical standards of confidentiality and permission: Ask your clients for permission before sharing and do not reveal their names. If your submission is selected for inclusion in the Chronicles, you may use your name or choose to be listed as anonymous.