Community Services Directory
All FSS Circle Members are invited to include their contact information and services on this page. This directory is provided as a service to members of the Foundation and to the public. Those listed work independently of the Foundation and no endorsement by the Foundation is expressed or implied.
Purple Buttons indicate practitioners who are currently accepting new clients.
Guido Ferrari
Massagno, Ticino, Switzerland
- Harner Certified Shamanic Counselor ®
- 3-Year Program
- 5-Day Harner Counseling Workshop
Johanna Sütterlin
Löwenstrasse, Dietikon, Switzerland
Shamanic Healing (20 years)
Shamanic Divination (20 years)
- Harner Certified Shamanic Counselor ®
- 3-Year Program
Ulla Straessle
Borex, Switzerland
Shamanic Healing (11 years)
Shamanic Divination (11 years)
- Harner Certified Shamanic Counselor ®
- 3-Year Program
Teaches FSS workshops in French (Switzerland, France, Belgium) and works with clients as a shamanic counselor.