Journeywork® Institute Invoice Payment

Journeywork® Institute Invoice Payment Pay your Journeywork® Institute invoice for FSS advanced shamanic training securely using PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to pay - simply enter your invoice number, click the PayPal button and then choose "Pay by Debit...

Ethical Practice FAQ

Home > Workshops Ethical Practice FAQ 1. WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PRACTICING CORE SHAMANIC HEALING? Training in authentic, effective, and time-tested core shamanic healing methodologies, including hands-on practice; Training in ethical standards of practice...

Online Workshops FAQ

Home > Online Workshops Online Workshops FAQ 1. What is the Online Shamanic Healing Training Program? In January 2021, the FSS launched the Program, which includes the fundamental shamanic healing methods: power animal retrieval, extraction healing, psychopomp work...

Certificates of Completion

Certificates of Completion The Foundation for Shamanic Studies is pleased to offer Certificates of Completion to graduates of many of its advanced residential training programs in Core Shamanism. To request a certificate, please see below. The Certificate of...

Workshops FAQ

Home > Workshops Workshops FAQ 1. What is a shaman? While the work of shamans encompasses virtually the full gamut of known spiritual practices, shamanism is universally characterized by an intentional change in consciousness (Eliade's 'ecstasy') to engage in...