Effective Shamanic Drumming™

Home > Workshops Effective Shamanic Drumming™ With Drummer Adam Bosler With Drummer Adam Bosler Worldwide, the most common mode for shamans to change consciousness and enter into another spiritual reality is rhythmic drumming. When the correct beat is sustained, this...

The Wisdom of Shamans: Exploring Cave and Cosmos™

Home > Online Workshops > Online Shamanic Knowledge Series The Wisdom of Shamans: Exploring Cave and Cosmos™ Developed by Susan Mokelke Developed by Susan Mokelke In 1980, Michael Harner blazed the trail for the worldwide revival of shamanism with his seminal...

Core Shamanism Healing Practice™

Home > Online Workshops > Online Shamanic Healing Training Program Core Shamanism Healing Practice™ This online workshop will provide students with advanced FSS training the chance to review and practice the fundamental core shamanic healing methods in a session...

Power Soul Retrieval Method™

Home > Online Workshops > Online Shamanic Healing Training Program Power Soul Retrieval Method™ Soul loss due to trauma—such as emotional pain and shock, accidents, long term illness, constant stress, overwork and even the loss of connection with nature—is a...

Shamanic Extraction Healing Method™

Home > Online Workshops > Online Shamanic Healing Training Program Shamanic Extraction Healing Method™ Shamanic extraction healing is a powerful practice for treating localized pain and illness resulting from spiritual factors. "The shaman works to remove things...

The Shaman as Psychopomp™

Home > Online Workshops > Online Shamanic Healing Training Program The Shaman as Psychopomp™ Shamans are concerned with the human soul, with healing during life and assisting the soul's passage out of the Middle World after death. Familiar with the realms of the...