The Jívaro: People of the Sacred Waterfalls By Michael Harner A classic ethnographic account of this freedom-loving people of South America, written for the scholar and layperson alike. The Jívaro (Shuar) are unusual among many shamanic peoples in the degree to which...
Hallucinogens and Shamanism Edited By Michael Harner Anthropologists have long been fascinated by the worldview and religious beliefs of indigenous peoples. Only recently, however, with the surge of interest in hallucinogenic agents in our own culture, have...
Ema's Odyssey: Shamanism for Healing and Spiritual Knowledge By Sandra Harner "This is a unique and inspiring story—a woman's shamanic adventures in other worlds over ten years, narrated and recorded as they happened. By narrating her experiences while in those...
Cave and Cosmos: Shamanic Encounters with Another Reality By Michael Harner "Finally on an evening in 1982 I approached the entrance of the cave alone, silently calling upon the spirits to have compassion for me and to confer greater power for my work in healing...
The Way of the Shaman By Michael Harner This classic on shamanism pioneered the modern shamanic renaissance. It is the foremost resource and reference on understanding shamanism. Now, with a new introduction and a guide to current resources, anthropologist and...